2002 School Magazine
student perspectives Year 12 retrospective
Year 12 Retrospective When You're five, twelve Years seems ike forever. Only it's turned out, in the last few weeks, that it's not forever. In fact 't's rea Iy not that long after all. And there are a lot of people, 220 of them to be exact, who are extremely grateful for that rather important law of nature The Seniors of 2002 embarked upon Year 12 in February, just a little bit scared, just a little bit uncertain - and incredibly relieved that there was now less than twelve months till Schoolies. Over the Year - without wishing to declare that we underwent ajourney of self-discovery - we all learnt things about ourselves. and about our ability to work as a team And in retrospect that's probably the most important thing to be gained from Year 12 - the ability to foster a sense of cohesive ness amongst 200 incredibly diverse individuals. Where we are next Year, we will all have these shared experiences to draw upon when we need strength. and to laugh about when we need a smile So remember the friends You made, remember the things we achieved - and appreciate the enormous amounts that we have both given and received during 00 five Years at Grammar
Ainundo Goldsmith
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The Year 8-12 fancy dress night
While completing their ownjourney through Year 12, the girls never lost sight of their responsibility to the Year 8 students of 2002. With fond memories of their o Year 8 experiences and lots of imagination they hosted many activities designed help the Year BS to quickly become part of the Grammar fomiy It was a night to remember - a fobulous evening of fun. food and finery that will go down in Grammar history - the Year 8-12 Fancy Dress Party. The Eights and Twelves turned out in a united force. Hollywood starlets, rock stars, Austin Powers and a myriad of other wild and wacky outfts were "dug out" of cupboards, and dressed their finery they converged on the Gerhmann Theatre Copious amounts of pizza and 1011ies were consumed by all, games were p ayed, and prizes won as the Year 125 let loose in an escape from exam stress, and the Year 85. well, they just had fun
Many thanks must go to Katie Anderson and her band of volunteers for her endless work towards making the right a huge success
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