2001 School Magazine

^ ^ : science

Here ore some thoughts from Year lostudents

Year I O Biology

YearlO Chemistry

Year 10 Physics

Year 10 independent Study Units

Year 10 Bidogy 13 a useful and interesting unit to studyosportofYeor 10sci'ence. The unitis divided into two sections. 1.1 Healthy Environment Outside:which deals mainly with ecosystems and the organisms that exist within Ihem, and 'A Healthy Environment:!ns!delwhich deals with human diteoses and reproduction. The first section in this unit covers different types of ecosystems and urban ecosystems and how eoch of them function, the organisms that live withIh them, and how these organisms adopt to survive in theirconditions. it also deals with food chains and biological in agrii'ironon (e. g. howpestic^^es con drasticollyoffect aparticulororgonism o15pecies of organism). Thesecond section in this unit focuses more on humans and the diseases (both infoctious and non-infoctious) that affect them. liexploins howdifferent diseases ore spread treated and prevented and9ives a genemloutline of the human reproductive system Yeor 10 Biologyis on interesting unit to study and beneficial OS it covers topics that apply to everyday 11/12 and enables you to hove a clearer understanding of the world aroundyou

The Year 10 Chemistry Unit 'Be Reactive: was taught to each class for the duratibn o10ne term, andproved to be a fun and challenging course. Within the unit, the girls revisited areas from Year 9 Chemistry such OS different types of bondn9 and naming compounds, OS wellos learning many new skills such OS writing different types of equations for different chemicol reocnons The concept of Acids and Bases was introduced and the girls experimented with manypmcticoloctivitiesi'n which o11 these ideas were incorpomted Learning the correctprocedure to write up these pro^Colexpenments OS reports was another majorpartofthe course, OS one of the scientific reports was assessed. Other assessment included on in-class examination The girls who ore considering Chemistry OS a senior subject look forward to foaming manymore newski71s and gaining beneficial Informotion from the course

The physics unitin fool 10, "Off the Planet:was a highly enjoyable experience. The thought of dan9 physics was really quite daunting, but it was soon discovered that physics 13 not too much of a challenge. One of the main tasks was to create a rocket We were given one million dollars and had to budget ours dues accordingly When the rockets were launched we had to measure how high they went Other assessment!ridudedopdyhg basic formulae, and a group assignment on colonistrig one of Jupiter3 moons The unit was veryeducotionoland we discovered that physics was notos complex and was more eru'oyoble than we thou9ht

inform One, IPOrtit^^atedin on alternative Science unit 'Science F1dionl The unitconcentrotedon bowscience fiction derives ^Qin actual Science, and con predicti'rinovoti'ons of the future 1studibdstories and movies, andolso astronomy. I found the unit extremely fun andihteresting while learning about Sci'ence fictions rule within Science and itemture. I would recommend onernanve units for students who ore not going to continue with a particular mainstream Science but who want to study on intriguing, fun and educational Science-based unit

Christ, e Boord

Mcole CDColos

Alexondro Lorsen

lessico Shuimon

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