2001 School Magazine
s ^ : centre for language & literacies
2001 has been an extremely busy year for CLL. New Work Programs, overseas visitors, Writers-in-Residence and competition entries have helped us focus on the power of language to define meaning, shape inspiration and fire our imagination Longuoge Week activities in July began with a massed 'thoir"of each of our foreign languages singing "Frere Jacques"first individually, then as a round. We were pleased to welcome popular author, Nick Earls, as the Don; 76wnsend (WarokeO Memorial Writer in-Residence for 2001. Senior students were delighted to work intensive Iy in Nick's stimulating workshops with his fans throughout the school lining up for autographs one lunch hour' unior writers were not forgotten They were treated to the creative stimuli of original artworks and poetry as they explored the visual-verbal connection with award winning artist and poet, 511vana Gardnei
Six of our Senior students, less Campbell, Meredith Gordon, Kate Lilley, Iacinta Paull, Charis Tierney and Anna Walsh, joined OUT Creative Writing students at Gardens Point Campus in Semester Two for a taste of university-style English On completion of their unit, the girls will gain credit towards QUT courses for 2002 Year I O students achieved considerable success in the national English competition run by the University of New South Wales Genevieve Blanch, Zoe Briggs, Anushka De A1wis, Nerida Haberkern, Rachel Hand, Susannah Hume, IOCelyn Knight, Louise Manitzky, Gabriella Ritchie, Angela Sheu and Anna Taylor were awarded Certificates of High Distinction. 54 Certificates of Distinction and 73 Certificates of
IOCelyn Knigh4 Year 10 Lolln preyed
Credit were also attained
Below'Photo by Nothon Richiec courtesyof The Coune*Moil
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