2001 School Magazine
e s : original works
Where is the Green Grass? The gross on the otherside of the funce alwayslooks greener
"Welcome backfrom the break. Alarming statistics have been recently published that establish certain nations to have more overweight people than others 15 our nation a country of obese people? Ienny Craig reports ..."
"Good evening and welcome to tonight's edit'on of 60 Minutes. Homelessnes An emerg'rig prob em in today's society that has many concerned. But what does the future hold for these unfortunate individuals? OliverTwist reports. ..."
She sees Beautiful people Their bodies moving with grace With poise With elegance Running, laughing, sparkling
The Poor Huddled among their filmsy shelters Homeless, penniless - Alone Left on the streets Cast away from society No possessions, No way to survive
She sees Herself Fat overflow'rig Lifeless flesh Blubbery
But they do have Hope They wish, pray, yearn, For the day when they will change places With the people who eye them distastefully on the streets
If only she could shed all the bulky flesh Shed be truly happy
"And that concludes tonight's edition of 60Mi'nutes. Join us next week when we look at Anorexia Nervosa - the obsession that can kill, and various other stories Good night. "
"In this era, politicians don't seem to be the only Influential people in our SOCie Wealth also means power. Our reporter, David iones, takes a look at the ten in wealthy people ..."
They all said she was Skinny, A combination of skin and bones She rejoiced in it Pleased when she lost weight
The rich Cigarette smoke mingles with exotic perfume The grandfather clock chimes in the hallway Once The tasteful awnings tremble Twice Plush chairs quiver Thrice The antique piano groans Dismal vibrations sent through The house of the rich The rich Who fill the spaces in their lives with possessions The prisoners of wealth
But now
All she wants to do is please those she 10v To make them stop crying at her bedside She fights the obsession The prize is flesh The prize is life
The gross on the otherside of the I^rice alwayslooks greener
But 15 it really7
Kowto POW I I Gibson 2000 LitemryCompetition Section B: Year 9 and 10 Poetry Third prize winner
Ruled by greed, Crave freedom
Opposite page, left longhr
Charlotte Church!!! I I Mockoy
K, 15nn 51emon I I Gibson
Shono MCCollum I I Gibson
Koie Robinson I I Hirschibld
M"on Potterson I I O'Connor
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