2001 School Magazine
original works : ^ 7
W for 'Death' it has been one week A week that the devil himself would shudder to think about. I am sick. I am alone. I am dying A sole survivorin a desolate world brought on by jealousy and greed. A place where life 15 extinct. for I believe that I am the last human on Earth. I am lying in the relative comfort of my bedroom - one of the few places partially untouched by total destruction. As my gaze wanders over the burnt walls, and the smiling faces of teen stars gazing at me from their posters, it lingers on my familiar mirror. The ash enshrouded glass showed an emaciated figure in its reflection. Balding, patchy hair drooped listlessiy on to stooped shoulders, blisters covered skin that was once so perfect. The once healthy form appeared as though it hadn't seen food in a long time. Dark hollows lingered beneath sad. dull eyes as they stared back at me, while I thought back to the prior week when the world met its fate World War 3. The thought sent shivers down my spine as I packed tins of food and water. Mum and Dad were attending an emergency town meeting, so I was by myself We had been expecting to be bombed any day now. but when the alarm rang out that fateful day. a knife of panic tore through me. Forgetting the procedure I was supposed to follow, I tore out of the house to find Mum and Dad, sprinting through the streets. The ear-piercing whine still rang loudly as I raced the planes above. When the alarm abated. the planes'engines sounded like an enormous swarm of angry bees. Looking to the sky I could see the menacing machines bearing down on my hometown with alarming speed. Ahead of me was the creek where I used to play as a child, and I knew that it would provide some protection The planes were directly above me now Sliding down the steep sides of the creek, I heard muted popping noises and explosions. as bombs hit the ground. Slipping on the rounded stones lining the creek bed. I waded through the cold water to an overhang of rocks where I would be sheltered. Just as I reached the protective boulders, a series of enormous explosions shook the ground and filled the air with tortured screams, smoke and debris With every explosion came a wave of power that seemed to suck the oxygen from my lungs and the air around me. leaving me gasping for breath. It seemed as though it had been hours when a silence finally foliover the town. The planes had left. Standing shakily, I wiped the tears of fright and distress from my eyes A blinding flash of intense light Illuminated the world around me. With a huge crack, a massive blast of power sent me flying through the air. and Iwas surrounded by a haze of peaceful darkness I awoke to destruction and death Gingerly, I got up and began to walk home, through the decimated streets that had once been alive with life. Houses in crumpled heaps were burning on the ground. Bodies littered the pathways and streets, and the smell of burnt flesh clung to my singed clothing and nostrils in an aura of horror and shock. I finally arrived home Loneliness, pain and anger had sent me into a fit of tears as I saw the damage done to my once perfect home. The roof had caved in. and it was badly burnt, but at least it was still standing Hanging in the air was the acrid smell of smoke, as I cautiously wandered through the remnants of the house, and finally in to my bedroom. it was the room that had greeted me every morning and afternoon, except much dirtier. Suddenly, without warning, an intense wave o nausea overtoo me an e o e groun re c ing. pasms o p I and my head feltlike someone was beating it with a metal pole. Eventually, the pain abated leaving me exhausted on the ground and I slipped in to a deep sleep Steadily, I grew worse. Searing waves of heat moved through my veins leaving me sweating on the floor; these were quickly followed by an Icy cold. My skin felt itchy and painful, and I was dry-Tetching as there was no food left to expel What was wrong with me? Feeling sick left me reeling with emotions of loneliness and sadness. I was utterly alone while in my weakened state and the realisation of what had truly happened to my town, left me thoroughly disheartened. The only escape from my lonesome despair was sleep, and thankfulIy it came in abundance That 15 how I got to where I am now. Totally alone, in my prison, getting sicker and weaker every passing hour, every day I have come to the conclusion that we were bombed with a nuclear weapon, and that I am suffering from radiation sickness. Sick, lonely and in describably sad and defeated, I have written about my experiences in the hope that I might survive and look back on this bleak time in remembrance, but this will not be so. As my breath comes in shallow gasps, straining to take oxygen to replenish my decimated form, and my hand shakes uricontrollably from something more than just exhaustion, I know that I will never have the chance to look back on this historic week That after today, I will never look back on anything, ever again ^-- -^- . ^-.^---
COMn Mu"ms I I Grimth
Lord 110eng I I Mockoy
DoleArch!bold I I Hirschi^Id
Iufrettel@!t 10 Woolcock ShortstoryAssessment
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