2001 School Magazine
48 :drama club
After past productions of the light-hearted and imaginative Ajicei'n Wonderkind and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, BGGS Drama Club decided to take a different angle with its compelling production of Cuba. set during the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 Cuba follows the lives of two fourteen-year-old schoolgirls, played by Year 12 students AllWanchap and Libby Gill, and shows the effect of the actions of Kennedy, Khrushchev and Castro on their families during the Cuban Missile Crisis. The play explores global issues such as the fight against Communism and the world on the brink of nuclear war
With the addition of three Grammar boys, the cast of over thirty students from all year levels rose to the challenge with enthusiasm, handling the task with great focus and a sense of fun With the construction of a spectacular set and the use of various visuals and multimedia, Cuba promised to be an enchanting production. After many months of afternoon rehearsals, the play did not fail to Impress the audience when it was staged at the end of the year Many people must be thanked for their support and valuable Input over the past year. Firstly. thanks go to the dedicated cast and crew for their hard work and enthusiasm These included Stage Manager Zoe Brand. Assistant Stage Manager Katie MCBryde and of course, Drama Club Captain, Catherine Geddes A number of staff must also be thanked for theirinvolvement, including Mr Pincott, Ms Mecklem, Mr Hawkins and Mrs Murphy for their advice and help during the various stages of production. Last, but definitely notleast, a big than you must go to MISS Katrina Cain, the Director and Coordinator of BGGS Drama Club, who has persisted with her vision for the production and put in many hours to make Drama Club the success that it is today Good luck to the captains, cast and crew for 2002, and I hope that they find the experience as rewarding and enjoyable as I have this year
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