2001 School Magazine

theatre dance : ,q. 7

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enthusiastic and talented group, and their dedication and co-operation has allowed Theatredance in 2001 to be a positive and memorable experience for everyone involved. We have continued what will hopefully be a long-lasting tradition of professionalism and excellence in dance performance within BGGS, and we look forward to sharing this with new members of Theatredance in the future

have made this year such a success for Theatredance To Ms Cain, for her wonderful choreography and organisational skills. To Aerlyn James and Lauren Magee, for all their assistance and enthusiasm To the Creative Arts staff for their support and creative input. To the parents of our dancers, for the time and encouragement they have given their daughters. To the School as a whole. for the endless interest they have shown at all our concerts. We hope that you have enjoyed our performances as much as we have enjoyed performing for you Finally, a big thank you to the girls themselves. They have been such an

Whilst the majority of our time is spent learning about the dance process. we are always keen to show the school community what we can do. This year we performed a number of times. with the highlight of our calendar being our first-ever evening concert, held on 30 August. The concert showcased a range of dance styles including Tap, jazz, Funk, Latin American and Contemporary Dance it also included four dances that were choreographed by the students themselves. The evening was a great success, and the money we raised will go towards providing for even more spectacular shows in the future! Thanks must go to all the people who

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