2001 School Magazine
, s : health promoting schools
"Brisbane Gills Grammar alms, through alaspects o1/15 structures and dally Operations, to assist students, staffond members o11he schoolcommunity to develop and maintain physical and emotional health and wellbei'rid it is important for all girls to have a healthy balance of work and play through their schoollife. in keeping with this need for a healthy balance, a committee within the school was created known as Health Promoting Schools The committee, which comprises representatives from each grade. meets once a fortnight with the Director of Health, Physical Education and Sport, Mrs Halvey-Short, and endeavours to False awareness about
health issues and promote ways in which health problems can be prevented. The committee has developed an extremely high profile within the school and wider community through supporting various health organisations and campaigns, our presence at School Day, attendance at school Workplace Health and Safety Meetings, and continual appreciation of the psychological needs of students The Health Promoting School committee members were organised into groups, which were responsible for researching various diseases and
health organisations. At various times throughout the year they have also raised funds to send to these organisations Australia's Biggest Morning Tea in aid of cancer research was held on 24 May. Through the sale of cakes, biscuits, muffins, slices and hot chocolate $195.00 was raised for the Queensland Cancer Fund. Healthy Bones Week was held from 6 August and $296.20 was raised for Osteoporosis Queensland through the sale of milk drinks donated by Pauls. Daffodil Day was promoted on 24 August and $296.90 was raised for the Queensland Cancer Fund During lunchtimes of Heart Week, a number of activities were organised to encourage all girls to be involved in
physical activity. An inter house triathlon was held in the gym. A staff team also competed. As well as this, an Inter-house beep test was run, and Hirschfeld House must be congratulated on winning this event Two volleyball games were played between BGS and BGGS with mixed results. A staff versus Year 12 students netball game was also held with the students winning convincing Iy. Year 8 students also participated in Jump Rope for Heart raising money for the Heart Foundation
disabilities. Girls have raised awareness within our school
community during a specific week, allocated to promoting particular
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