2001 School Magazine

ancient history trip : , 5

Overseas Adventures

On 15 September, after some uncertainty, nine Grammar girls, nine Grammar boys, two teachers and seven adults left Brisbane for three weeks in Greece and Turkey After 24 hours on planes, everyone was relieved to eventually touch down in Athens and get into a set of clean clothes, except for one unlucky Grammar boy whose bag was sent to Manilla instead. His bag finally caught up with him, after his return to Australial

Virgin Mary3 house, Ephesus

original Anzacs fought. It was also an opportunity to remember BGS and BGGS students who served on the Peninsula. during World Warl After visiting the Blue Mosque and having a delicious lunch of traditional Turkish food at Topkapi Palace, we hit the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and bargained our way through the afternoon. We had to leave Istanbul to visit Cappadocia with its bizarre but stunning scenery and At aturk's impressive Mausoleum and the Hittite Museum in An kara but we eventually returned to the Bazaar to pick up some more bargains (and bags and carpets). Our final night Included a banquet of Turkish food and entertainment by belly dancers and traditional dancers from other regions In Turkey - a fun night in which Jess Campbell won a singing competition! The three weeks spent in Greece and Turkey were enjoyable and an experience none of us will forget Our sympathy 15 extended to Manuel Geler who had to leave us so early due to tragic circumstances. Despite our setbacks, the group thoroughly enjoyed the time spent in Greece and Turkey. We would like to thank both Mrs Purvis (BGS) and Mrs Basford (BGGS) for organising and supervising the tour. We will never forget our gold bus. with lis driver Mahmet and our wonderful Turkish guide, Nasli, the sometimes seedy but mainly picturesque surroundings and all the friends we made on the trip

Remembering POS! 8GS and BGGS students o1Quinn; POSC Gainpofr

wallets by the end of the tripl) Everyone enjoyed the shops and the sites of 80drum, especially the day cruise on a gulet (powered sailing boat) around various Inlets and Islands in the area All enjoyed the opportunity to swim in the Aegean Sea After two nights in Kusadasi where we visited the home of the Virgin Mary and famous Ephesus, we arrived In Gallipoli. A full day was spent visiting the cemeteries, memorials and museums on the Gallipoli Peninsula it was a very moving experience for the whole group as we surveyed the rugged terrain and harsh conditions under which the

restaurants on the side of the island, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea Some took the opportunity to visit the still-active volcano In Greece, we also travelled to Crete and Rhodes, visiting ancient sites such as the Palace of Knossos and the beautiful beaches of Matala and Lindos We departed Rhodes by fast ferry for Turkey and arrived in Bodrum three hours later. It was here that people started to stock up on various imitation handbags, with our favourite purchase being a "Louis Vuittonl With the shops being open till I am, it maximised our shopping time. (The group reached a grand total of 62 bags. handbags and

The first monument we visited was the Acropolis and the second was the famous Parthenon, which was spectacular It was worth putting up with the notoriously dirty and polluted surroundings of Athens just to see and experience these wonders of ancient Greece. We then boarded the first of many buses for our day trip to Delphi where we saw the ancient temple of Apollo. the theatre and stadium The next day we hopped on a ferry for the nine-hour trip to the island of Santorini, where both the scenery and the weather were stunning. We enjoyed walking around the small shops and dining in the beautiful

Brooke Coulley& Dimly T, e!oar

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