2001 School Magazine

, 7 s : AmNl & animal protection


The School's Peace Group, AMANl, offers an outlet to students concerned about those major world issues that leave the average person feeling angry, frustrated and helpless. Many young people care about injustice, famine, natural disasters. .. the list seems unending. What can they do? Am ani supports Amnesty international, which gives the humble in dindual a chance to make a difference. On receipt of an Urgent Action Bulletin, the convenor calls a letter-writing meeting, and explains the injustice being addressed, be it abductions in Colombia, harassment of trade union organisersin Chile or a protest against the imposition of the death sentence in Afghanistan. Each student writes her lette, and becomes one of many thousands of protesters. One letter may go unnoticed, but when letters arrive in their tens of thousands, they can no longer be ignored A major undertaking has been our support of Amnesty internationals Humanity Hugs fund-raising initiative. For $5, students bought a pack of seven "Hugs:little cards to be posted off to other people. As a consciousness- raising effort, this relies heavily on the multiplier effect. Some of our Hugs have found their way to very exotic destinations A series of lunch-hours was also dedicated to exploring problems of child labour in developing countries. While this was interrupted by the demands of examination schedules, those students attending the sessions found the exercise very illuminating Habitually we support UNICEF at the School Expo, by selling greeting cards Once again, this demonstrates that individual students can make a diflerence to the life of someone less fortunate

The Animal Protection Society

habitat to support koalas in the wild The Australian Koala Foundation is an international organization whose prime focus and aim is the long- term conservation and effective management of the wild koala in Australia Once again APS started their fundraising efforts with a stall held at the School's annual swimming carnival. APS members walked among the colourful grandstands selling animal 1011y kebabs, which provided a much needed sugar boost for both swimmers and spectators Staff and students enthusiastically supported the fundraiser and once again it proved to be a great success

The primary focus for Semester Two was the annual School Day stall where club members sold cookies and slices to the Grammar community. Hopefully the Clubs efforts throughoutthe year w'11 have aided the Australian Koala Foundation in their efforts to protect one of our national icons. A big thank you must be extended to the APS Board, members and everyone who has supported the Club's fundraising Initiatives

The Animal Protection Society is a group within the School that aims to reduce the effects of cruelty on an in als as well as informing students about their importance within the community. This year the Club concentrated its efforts on raising funds for the Australian Koala Foundation. Koalas in the wild face a series of threats to their continued survival mostly stemming from destruction of their habitat for human uses and associated threats like cars, dogs and disease The continued survival of the species depends on the retention and effeaive management of suitable

Anno CIOuston President

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