2001 School Magazine

, e ^ : QGSSSA sport

Hockey "We are all stars"was the theme for the 2001 Grammar Hockey season and "all stars"we were. Commitment, improvement, team spirit and enjoyment were the goals all players aspired to as they trained and played throughout the season The 2001 season saw a new and exciting approach to Grammar Hockey. The season commenced w th a pre-season Skills Cl'nic conducted in February. Former Hockeyroos Meianie Woosnam (nee Dempster), Sharon Buchanan and Renita Garrard guided us over two morning sessions of hockey. The clinic aimed to improve individual skills and learn new ones Our individual skills were further built on at the first ever BGGS Hockey Camp held at the Runaway Bay Sports Centre In July Forty-five students





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This team executed a high evel of skill and fitness, as well as establishing close bonds with each other and coach CathyTaylor-Alt. Each week a different player received the 'man of the match' certificate However, consistent and outstanding Caroline Gregory, Amanda Cheales, Laura MCTaggart and Jaime Burnell The 2001 Hockey season proved a successful one for the Sen'or A team Under the watchful eye of coach, Rachael Murray, the team finished the season in a praiseworthy second place. With their 'frightful'warpaint and tremendous support for other BGGS teams. this group of girls clearly demonstrated their commitment and Grammar spirit. Frances Bain, Kate Williams and the Senior A Captain, Jacki Hagan, displayed commendable performances throughout the season The Senior B team, under the Instruction of Grammar Old Girl, Kath Barem, also showed particular improvement resulting in a second placing The skills learnt by the Year 10s at many training sessions under the guidance of their coach, Megan Rollo, performances were regularly demonstrated by Sally Clout,

were put Into practice and resulted in a third place for the season. Lauren Harrison and Sarah Shand stole the spotlight with their reliability and consistency on the field. This team is to be praised for their enthusiasm and positive approach to the season The Year 9 team is the success story of the year for Grammar Hockey This team were the undefeated premiers, and along with coach Zoe Hodde, are to be congratulated on their outstanding results at the closure of the season. The Year 95 scored a remarkable 47 goals for the season and managed to allow only one goal slip past them. Kate Martin, Kate Leitch and Nicole Cheales were fast, agile and powerful at all moments of play. The Year 8 team also experienced a most successful season with coach, Penny Mackenzie Penny led these aspiring young players to victory in the Year 8 competition. Sigrid Mewing was an outstanding asset to her team along with Emily MCRae and Rosie Nalder


Anno Clemesho, F1izo Bale & Meredth Gordon in action o901nsiC!ayfie!d College

participated in an enjoyable three days of intensive Hockey training The Inter house Hockey Competition also proved a successful new venture, which increased involvement and promoted Hockey with the Grammar community. Support from the Grammar hockey community was clearly evident by the large crowds each week at Finsbury Park, especially for the annual State High - Grammar showdown High School to touring English team) demonstrated this team's potential and ability. A consistent effort and determination on and off the field was clearly present throughout the year and certainly commendable Victory early in the season for the Open team against Shemeld Girls

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