2000 School Magazine
australian student minero1 venture
The Australian Student Mineral Venture is an initiative of the Austinlasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, and is aimed at attracting students from around Australia to enrol in minerals industry courses at university. Beginning in Central Queensland, the venture was held from 9 to 21 January. Amy Chardon, Tegan Davey, Catherine Mak, Jacquie Marks and Jusveer Rakhra attended the 2000 ASMV North-east region. The program consisted of five days of site visitsin Central Queensland, two days of travel, and CUIminated in five days in Brisbane based at the University of Queensland. Although this may not appear to be the most advantageous way to spend the final two weeks of your summer holidays, we felt privileged to have been given the opportunity to explore a field of study not commonly considered. During the program we were given an insight into careers in the minerals industry covering topics such as Geology Geophysics, Extractive Metallurgy, Surveying, Environment Science and Mining, Mineral, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as well as visiting working coal and gold mines, a drag line, power stations and processing plants. However, the venture was not completely focused on study, with a visit to Rainbow Beach proving to be a relaxing breakfrom the hectic schedule. We thoroughly recommend the Australian Student Mineral Venture to any students who are considering a career in Engineering or Science. It gives a unique insight into the mineral industry.
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