2000 School Magazine
science .
On 24 August, there was an unusual convocation of students around E Block. Some of the students, in fact, looked particularly old No. it wasn't the Old Girls' Reunion, it was Grandparents Day, an activity that stretched across Science classes and aimed to showjust how much Science has changed. The grandparents stood outside the labs with their granddaughters, discussing Science as they had known it in the good old days. Once they had made themselves comfortable sitting with their granddaughters (although there was a slight shortage of chairs), Mrs Morris extended a warm welcome to all those who had given their time to come and find outjust how different Science was nowadays. After this Mrs Morris revised chemical formulas with the students before giving them an activity that enabled them to move freely around the room and interact with the other girls and their grandparents (though some grandparents chose to go solo. Some grandparents eagerly inquired after their granddaughter's doings and others chos to pour out their life histories to the teacher. All the grandparents said they had a fantastic time and were fascinated to see how much Science had changed since they had been at school.
They particularly remarked upon how Science had been 'improved: saying that Scien e had been far more formal when they were at school as it was generally learnt straight out of books with little activity or movement around the room. Quite a few of the grandparents marvelled at the way visual aids had been set up around the room to help us grasp the important concepts being taught, such as the number of atoms in each formula or element, the appearance of the substance and the symbol it bore. After marking the sheets we had compiled during the afternoon, we reluctantly said goodbye to our grandparents who couldn't say how much they had learnt from the afternoon often enough. As they were walking away, we all realised what a fantastic day we had had and we hoped that our grandparents had enjoyed themselves just as much as we had.
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