2000 School Magazine

orbievers in 10n9uoqe

Sidle 151p, ,ze winner in the SeniorB Division in the 28th Annuo!loponese Longuoge Speech Contesc 3rd Prize in the Notion o1Finol ManeMeek (1999)

Notiono1Mythology Exom fom'Juju Hornson, Gobnello Ritchit, Moooret Wynng Cynthio ChangJocelyn thighcMoter tester fobse


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Americon Classico! Leogue, ledr 9 BackRowiL-R) Anno ToyloiA!150n MCG!ICynthio Chang Front Row fL-R) lemma tonyon, Rebecco Mokinson, Julio Hornson, IOCelyn Knight

Amencon CIOssico! Leogue, Yeor 10 fuck Row try:Ahao Rohemtu!a, AmySorro, tote Foeon-Smith, Anne Hor Front Row reR) Geolg, rid Porke"Mooon Scorney

achievers achievers achieveI


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e e Q N Un 9 American CIOssico! League, years 11 & 12 . it R)'E, ophylio Cosmssios, Mono 80rke, forhanne Honingsworth, Kale Liney

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