2000 School Magazine

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This year the school conducted StudyTours to France and Germany. The StudyTour was arranged for September - October. Year I I students all travelled together to London where the Tour divided for the two destinations: Mono-WdchtlerSchule, Germany and Lycee St Poul, France. The value of the host sister program lies in its promotion of international understanding through first hand experience. Learning to live in another culture, especially using another language is a challenge that can be one of the most rewarding of life's experiences The languages programs in BGGS promote this as a very worthwhile experience in today's world.



Weridy Parkinson CooldinotorofSisrerSchools

Dining in Aochen - Germon style

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Cothedro!in Aochen


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Girls with Germon hostsisters o1 Benroth Costlg Ourseldorf

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Glis on Rhine cruise


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Woiting for Rhine cruise arkoblenz

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