2000 School Magazine

year 9

Year 9 was a mixed year, full of hard work, new experiences, special friends, fresh feelings and emotions. No longer were we the"babies of the school': We were able to enjoy many different and fascinating aspects of Brisbane Girls Grammar. It was great to be able to make

friends from our new class, organised according to the electives we chose.


Music, in Year 9, is a subject which is full of fun. With many different activities, the high point of the year wasjingle writing, for both radio and television. Art this year has led to many adventures. The classes have experienced still life painting and drawing and much work with clay. The Speech and Drama students have been exploring the world of Theatre Sports, which is a series of drama games. They studied the pop group, Bardot, and writing scripts. The students also studied improvisation and movement. The Geography students have been studying Asia and mapping techniques. Some classes visited Bellbird Grove, but due to weather, others didn't. Three of the Geography classes also did contour potatoes. This consisted of chopping up potatoes to produce contour maps. It was great but arduous. In French this year, the girls have been working on PowerPoint displays on various topics They have studied weather, housing and tenses. The girls also made pancakes.

Cooking CIOss get theirjust desserts

The girls who study German in 2000 have learnt modals, prepositions and illnesses. Some students went for a walk around the city and some competed in the Goethe Verse Speaking Competition. The Japanese students have experienced calligraphy and some accepted eXchange students into their homes. They had an eXchange teacher as well. Some also entered the Japanese speaking competition. The Year 9 Latin students have continued to enjoy studying a language which has formed the basis of a large part of English.

This year Multi-Cultural Studies has been enjoyed by a small number of Year 9 students' Aspects of Australian and international culture have been investigated

and several religions have been studied. The year was most exciting and it was enjoyable to learn and achieve more within the school. Although Year 9 was challenging, time passed very quickly and it is hard to imagine that this intense and exhilarating year has disappeared right before our eyes.


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