2000 School Magazine
The Big Project has epitomised the theme for 2000 of Dream It, Dare It, Do It! The Year I I body voted on an organisation in 1999 to support as our Big Project and the Children's hospital obtained a clear majority vote. This was a very appropriate choice as support by BGGS for the hospital began soon after its establishment as the Hospital for Sick Children with the funding of cots. BGGS girls in 2000 have both dreamt and dared to raise funds for the Royal Children's Hospital and have done it! The Big Project has raised funds for a fantastic hospital and, at the same time, has involved the whole school community to make a BIG impact. BGGS has been able to provide funds for very important, lifesaving pieces of equipment and also offer time and energy to the kids and the staff at the Royal Children's Hospital. The ideas of our year group were continually supported and encouraged by Ms Leigh Cleave, the Community Support Manager at RCH Foundation, who guided us to achieve maximum enthusiasm within the whole school community. Julie-Anna Smith, a committed Hospital Volunteer, has organised weekly visits to the RCH for students aged 16 years and over as part of Radio Rainbow (the Hospital's in- house entertainment program). Each month Tess, Benedicte, Ellie and Eieni have organised fundraisers which have been held to parallel the respective theme of the month and which have been organized by one of our nine senior House groups. Throughout the year a range of events have been held to raise funds, including the selling of rainbow ribbons, the organisation of the school's 125th Birthday party, an Easter Bonnet parade and a Hot Chocolate and Cookie Stall. From funds raised so far, a Fluid Loss Monitor for the intensive care unit, an Apnoea monitor and a Clements Lipidvac have been purchased, along with the provision of funding for the ~ refurbishment of the parents' lounge in the co babies'ward v, co > U
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From left to right Eien, Arithony Tess Palme4 Eine O'Golmon ond Bendcte Gaithet
The Big Project has been a source of great pride, excitement, fun and friendships for many involved. Without any model to follow, the Year 125 of 2000 have consistently aimed to develop their initiative to involve the whole school, and to benefit the children, staff and families at the Royal Children's Hospital. We hope future year groups will take up this challenge and we wish . them luck. .
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