2000 School Magazine

from the heod 91/1s

Conyou remember whenyou were a kid and you a re in the gross on your back and watch the clouds scud above you and dream of whatyou were going to be when you grew up. Wei4 what happened? For the Seniors of 2000 we have achieved our dream. On 4 February we stood before our school body and presented them with a challenge - a challenge to enter the Year 2000 with an approach to Oreom it Dare ill Do it. To realise our potential as individuals and as a group, to strive for our dreams and our goals, and to work towards these dreams as one' As Head Girls, our dream was to leave Grammar knowing that the Year 2000 was the most memorable, colourful, and enjoyable year that this school had ever seen. So we sat down in February and planned our approach. The first idea we implemented was an overall theme for Grammar 2000 which was to Dream it, Dare it, Do it, and this theme has become the essence of the last twelve months. Furthermore, we decided to establish a theme for each month of the year, depending on the character of that particular month. For example, February's theme was Love Yourself Without o Boyfr^^rid, and to illustrate this, the Year 12 body had an ALL GIRL Valentine's Day Dinner, which was definitely one of the highlights of the year. This idea allowed the entire school body to work with the team of the Big Project, led byTess Palmerand Benedicte Galichet. It was our dream to be creative, different and colourful. We dared to embrace the challenge of living this dream. And we did in So overall we could say that this year has been a pretty incredible one' Term One also saw the Battle of the Sexes with our BGS counterparts, a Year 8/12 Picnic on the Normanby Oval, Hat Enforcement Week 2000, the Terrace Social, a combined Student Executive Afternoon with v, co BGS, the announcement of Honour Awardees, > . and the Induction of the Student Executive. U " This took place at City Hall on 15 March with a a in Service of Praisegiving and Celebration which co was a colourful and moving event as the City Hall filled with Grammar Girls and towers of C coloured balloons. After this formal afternoon co . we let our hair down at the Grammar Birthday . :; Party on the Stage Lawn, and yelled our lungs out at the QGSSSA Swimming. The term e 6 concluded with the Lilley Oretion by Dr Hirst, ^ the inaugural visit to the Royal Children's U . Hospital and an Easter Bonnet Parade. ^ -.

Term Two was short and sweet. The school body was able to participate in a Memorial Tree Planting Ceremony at our Outdoor Education Centre at Imbil. This was a special event for everyone, as we planted trees knowing they would remain in Grammar soil for many years to come. The Year 95 and 125 also had a fun lunchtime playing games to bridge the gap between seniors andjuniors. The QGSSSA Cross Country was another event for the cheersquad to display their dancing, singing, yelling talent that resulted in another Grammar victory on the sporting field. We then had a Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory replica of Golden Tickets for four 'Formal Fever'events. This allowed girls to participate in the beauty seminar by Mrs Liz Smith of 5th Avenue Beauty Salon, a panel of present and past BGGS girls and BGS students discussing the trials and tribulations of schoolformals, a presentation by Torii & Guy hairdressers, and the unveiling of the Grammar Formal Dance. The Grammar Formal 2000 was the most extravagant, sophisticated and beautiful night in Year 12 history. The decorations were glamorous, the guys were great added extras, and the girls were stunning!! it was a night of fun, dancing, laughing and celebrating the fact that Seniors 2000 are a great group of friends. it was night we will never forget. Term Three was hard going, to say the least, but despite our heavy academic workload, we still managed to have some fun. We had another visit to the kids at RCH, the International LOTE Conference, another interesting Terrace Social, Pigtail Day, a Hot Chocolate and Cookie Stall, Jeans for Genes, the school production Reflections, Head of the River and the Grand Final of QDU debating. For the Year 125 this was quite a stressful term, with the QCSTest and heavily weighted exam block. However despite this seriousness, we had smiley-faced stickers, hilarious year assemblies (thanks to the Crocodile Hunters), endless supplies of 1011ies, war cries, lunchtime dancing to the radio. .. the list goes on. it needs to be said that when the going gets tough - Year 12 gets dancin'!! Term Four was the closing of the book for Year 12. We had Expo 2000, which glittered with our theme of Oreomit, Dareit; Dolt through the colourful logo of the Grammar rainbow, arches of multicoloured balloons, and smiling faces of the Student Executive wearing the inviting badges of ASK METhe day was undoubtedly a success, with the Year 85 of 2001 enjoying their first Grammar experience, the Year 125 celebrating their five years, the Year 115 organising the House stalls, and the Junior School participating and supporting their Seniors. The Valedictory Dinner proved our individuality once again, with the decision to wear our full Grammar uniform to this final event for the year. The night was special, memorable and full of laughter and tears as the Year 125 reflected on five years together. Speech Day the following day acknowledged the success and achievements of our year group and closed the final page of the Grammar book. Throughout the year, the support from the staff has been neverending. The advice and kind words from each staff member has made the challenging task of Year 12 much easier.

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HeodGirls2000 welcoming Yeor8t2001

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