2000 School Magazine
The year 2000 started with a bang with the arrival of the 25 remaining boarders at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. This of course, was accompanied by the mandatory gossip sessions about all our holiday activity Firstly big congratulations must go to the Year 115 on achieving every Saturday nightleave, and ALL that shopping leave. To the Year I OS whojust can't wait for all that extra weekend and shopping leave too, don't worry, not long now! As for the Year 125, what an improvement having every weekend free has made! It's also great to finally be the seniors! Even half way through the yearit was hard to believe it was really our last year. Not letting this allgo to our heads however, the whole boarding house enjoyed our closed weekend together. We began the weekend with a car wash that raised the first donation for the big project. It also provided the opportunity to "accidentally" spray one another between washing cars. Following the car wash was a day out sailing in Moreton Bay. Some girls spent the day swimming and sun bathing, while for others, the donut tube ride proved to be very popular. Although it rained during the return trip, it fortunately did not dampen the boarders' fun and enthusiasm.
Tuesday night games were the 'it' nights. The Year 125 organised various games that had the whole boarding housejumping and dancing around to the best of their ability with the aim of winning freddos, mars bars and crunchies;there were fontails and minties for the less fortunate. Mrs Thornson and Mrs Moffat supplied the 1011ies, treats and popcorn which accompanied the video rentals on Friday nights. This also contributed to the trouble we all have in saying no to any kind of food - he! he! he! A dorm outing for the'Skinny Dorm'was also organised by Mrs Van der Veen. Starting the night off with dinner at the Pancake Manor and then going on to see Glad^^tors at the movies, it was a good opportunity for the girls to buy up on some of those tempting 1011ies and popcorn. The 'Morgue Dorm'was also taken out to see a movie and afterwards to have coffee with Mrs Parsons, where all reported Iy had a good time. In second term, the Year 10s invited the boys from Brisbane Grammar over for a basketball game and video. This was a great opportunity for the girls to meet the new boys and form new friendships. The start of this year saw daygirls moveinto the Boarding House. Initially they appeared during the day as the school drama rooms were moved into the eastern wing of the building. Then, in Term Two, they joined us for breakfast on weekdays. Grab bags were another innovation that allowed hungry daygirls to taste boarding house food and to experience a small part of boarding house living. A big thank you must go to A1ysha Brown, Brylie MCAllister, and of course, Mrs Parsons, for organising the Year 12 Dinner Dance at the Marriot Hotel in Jul . It was a eat opportunity to see the parentsjoining in on the dance floor, as well as wit ou fontastic night and rtn everyone had a really good time!
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