2000 School Magazine

06SSSA sport


with the final round of results, continued the unbeaten record of this team in three years of competing in the QGSSSA;a fantastic effort considering the two top players in Year 10 were selected in the Open team. The Senior C Team's Premiership (Sally Bates, Nicole Bertram, Emily Casey and Claire Olive) was indicative of their spirit and showed the true depth of GrammarTennis. A special mention must be made of Emily Casey's return to the tennis court to complete this team. Louise Hogarth and Iacqueline Nicol must be thanked for standing in for this team throughout the season, when members of the C team had to play for higher grades. The closest match for these girls was the 29 games to 26 win against Moreton Bay College where the doubles combinations once again shone through for Grammar. Yet another Premiership for Grammarin 2000 was that of the Senior B team (Amy Chardon, Celia Corones, Caroline Hendry and Lauren Magee). Some excellent individual performances were coupled with an almost unbeaten doubles record, to cap off an enjoyable and satisfying season for coaches Ron and Krista Nash (coaches of the C Team also) as well as for the team. The best win of the season was 36 games to 2 against St Margaret's, with the closest match 32 games to 25 against Moreton Bay College. Our Senior A team of Jane Boulton (Tennis Captain), Kylie Hardcastle, Kylie Rivers and Tanya Ross proved to be a thorn in the side of their opposition for the entire season. When they were not able to close out matches prior to the doubles, this team certainly made sure that their opponents were putin their place. The A team, as with the B team, lostjust one doubles match for the season and they averaged a winning margin of greater than ten games each round. With the premier team in the school consisting of two Year 11 students (Sidney Cubasch and Sara Kendall) and twoYearlO students (Genevieve Butnoris and Julie Sze), the opposition should, understandably, be worried for some time to come. As their most recent win through to the State Final of the Australian Schools Knockout Competition indicates, these girls, along with Kara Killman from the Year 10 team, are a force to be reckoned with. The team's final, and premiership winning round result was 36 games to 8 and their closest opponents all season were 14 games behind. Commencement of matches in the annual Intraschool Tournament, prior to the QGSSSA season, once again proved to be a success in generating interest amongst players with over 30 keen Year 8 students entering the first round. The Age Group Champions for 2000 are Samantha Gregg in Year 8, Nikki Ben earressa Millman in Year 9, Julie Sze/Genevieve Butnoris in YearlO, Sidney Cubasch/Sara KendallinYear 11 and Jane Boulton/Kylie Hardcastlein Year 12. The season was finished with a pleasant break up lunch at our home courts with family friends and some clever poems and speeches. We farewelled our Captain, Jane Boulton, rid thanked her and her parents, Jude and Mac Boulton for five years of devotion to GrammarTennis. This year's Metropolitan North Representatives were Kara Millman (YearlO) and Julie Sze (Year 10). Julie ent on to represent Queensland at school girls level. Genevieve But noris and Sidney Cubasch chose to attend National Championships at an individual level which, unfortunately made them ineligible to trial for the schoolgirls'team.

With a new coaching line up and the extremely high standard set at QGSSSA team trials, Tennis in 2000 was bound to be a successful season for Girls Grammar. A welcome return to the University of Queensland courts for home matches saw the first two rounds of the season result in convincing wins for all teams, against IPswich Girls Grammar and Clayfield College. What made these games a most enjoyable start to the season was the atmosphere created as the Friday afternoon sun set and the night lights took over. The Premiership winning Year 8 team, consisting of Brooke Boyschau, Anne Butler, Sally Cockerell, Katherine Flood, Samantha Gregg, Claudia Pope and Gemma Tiernan were never going to wait around for the Senior teams to set the example. With particularly close and exciting matches against unknown opposition and a perfect winning record in tact, the Year 85 showed their true team spirit in defeating the also unbeaten State High team in round six. The match result went down to the last doubles match, where Anne Butler and Samantha Gregg needing just two games to cement the win, went on to defeat the accomplished (and much taller) doubles combination from State High. This was much to the relief of coach, Samantha James. The Year 9 team (Nikki Bennett, Penny Boulton, Angelique Boyce, Pheobe Gervaise, Jessica Rothnie and Tessa Millman) welcomed their new coach, Tom Schofield, with excellent participation rates at trai ing. They obviously knew what lay ahead. Their unbeaten record, up until he end of round three, would take a lot to maintain with the likes of Moreton Bay Colleg_ in round four, Unfortunately Grammar did not emerg as vidors on the day. However, this made the team all the more determined to win their final five rounds, which they did in style, finishing runners-up in the Year 9 division. The highlight of the Year 10 season for Claire Corone , Edwina George, Kara Millman, acqueline Nicol, Kate Robinson and Jillian Stack w u d have to be the round eight atch against St Peter's Lutheran College, whe e even the tie break in the last doubles match could have gone either way. Jillian Stac and Edwina George managed to overcome both their nerves and their opponents to win the match ^ and finish the day 28 games to 26. This, alon I, ,-. ^ o a in

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