2000 School Magazine

grammar o1ympions

In this year of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and the celebration of 100 years of women at the Olympics, it seems appropriate to reflect on our own Olympic history and the school's legacy to women in sport. Our three past Olympians are Barbara Wilson (nee Jordon), Dorothy Hawkins (nee Khafagi) and Susan Davies. Barbara (BGGS 1965-69) ran in the Montreal Olympics in 1976. Dorothy (1973-75) was the first female included in the Olympic medical team for Australia. She went to Seoul 1988 as a physiotherapist. Susan (BGGS 1963-66) attended the Paralympics in Am hem in 1980in archery. The 2000 Games saw another Grammar girl welcomed into that select Olympic group. Erica (Ricky) Macmillan (BGGS 1977-78) was selected to represent Australia in the Equestrian team, in the discipline of Dressage. It was wonderful to see at least eight past students carry the Olympic torch in Queensland. These past Grammar girls were Daphne Pirie (1946-48), Dierdre Hyland (1950-54), Barbara Wilson (1965-69), Dorothy Hawkins (1973-75), Am anda Leeson-Smith (1976-80), Shelley 111iff (1989-90), Penny Mackenzie (I 994-98), Georgia Woollett (1995-99) Many elite sportswomen, when asked how their interest in sport developed, talk of influential coaches or teachers, and being encouraged at school. Barbara Wilson (Jordan) speaks of her Physical Education teacher encouraging her into a local Athletic Club which began heriourney to Montreal. This is the legacy Brisbane Girls Grammar has given many athletes and will continue to do so. Offering seventeen sports at three different levels has broadened Grammar girls' horizons and aspirations.

in 1999,1,210 competitive places were offered in the School. Of the School population, 64% carried the school colours into the competitive arena. Yearly, the school attempts to increase participation and accommodate as many girls in teams as possible, while maintaining high competitive standards and while not recruiting elite athletes. Grammar's legacy to women's sport is a powerful one. Our yearly successes can be attributed to commitment, enthusiasm and a solid foundation in the Physical Education core program, which, unlike many schools across Australia, is compulsory for all students' This philosophy has been part of the Grammar ethos for each of its 125 years, with trained physical educators employed since 1875. This year we boast 31 pennants with Year 8,9 and 10 softball to follow; a wonderful achievement and challenge for those in the years to follow.


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