2000 School Magazine

beyond the CIOssroom


Am ani is the School's peace group, originally formed to provide a forum for students interested in discussing and trying to understand global tensions arising out of the Cold War, territorial disputes and armed conflict in general At present, Am ani is closely affiliated with Amnesty International and aims to make students and teachers aware of and take an active interest in, some of the gross injustices happening in the world around them. Amnesty International is a group of people across the world who work to prevent some of the most serious violations of human rights whether they be by governments or other political groups. Fundamental to their ideal is non-violent but effective action. Therefore, members respond to Urgent Action Bulletins through letter-writing sessions, and discussion of the issue being addressed. The Am ani Group in this school has participated in a number of activities this year On a local and general level we attended a seminar at Stuartholme along with a number of other students from other school groups This provided an enjoyable chance to meet



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other like-minded students, share some pizza, hear from some speakers and join in discussion groups. We encouraged the School to participate in the Amnesty International Poetry Competition, Dare to Core, and were proud to see three girls from Year 10 win prizes. These successful poems, together with others submitted by BGGS students are included in the Amnesty AnthologyofStudentPoetry, launched in the Gehrmann Theatre, on 13 October by the Hon. Matr Foley, MLA, Minister for Justice. Am an i's major fundraising drive is always on School Day, with a stall selling badges and merchandise for Amnesty International and also cards for UNICEF. New members to Am ani are always welcome;the only requirement is a social conscience.

CIOire Humphreys & fomoro MCGinley Student Co-ordinalors



A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask someone who knows. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask someone who cares. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask someone with money. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask someone with time. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask your family. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Ask your friends. ' A child had a question. He was told, 'Go away!' A child had a question. I said, 'Ask me. '

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Anne Hornson 10 Beanlond


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Amnesty internotionolPrize Winner Dare to Core Compel!!10n - Poetry

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