2000 School Magazine
original works
I remember when you were a tiny child, I used to hold your hand. I was present at your birth, Present when you learnt to stand. You were small and innocent, A lively, bubbly, young girl. Your eyes were mischievous opals, Your smile tamed the world. I remember every element of your life, From the beginning to the end. When you were taken from us We were driven round the bend. Darkness engulfed our lives, We were filled with a sense of pain Pain turned into anger, Anger turned into shame. Yet though you are gone far from Your legend lives on today,
These are the smells that I really love, The mellow smell of my deodorant, Dove, Peppermint oil, sweet like a candy cane, The fresh morning smell of falling rain, Rich chocolate, irresistibly sweet, Vicks Vaporub with its tingling heat, Heavenly wafts of a red rose, Crackling bacon smells that drift to my nos The sweet and clean odour of Pear's soap, Coffee in a sack that is bound with rope, Chloe perfume with its elegant whiff, Yes, these are the things that I love to sniff.
My hatred stemmed from my fear, it squeezes, clutches at my mind. It twists, claws, and devours my brain, And with shackles of iron, it binds. My hatred is an evil monster, It fills me with vast despair, it controls every part of my soul, And stretches from my fingertips to my ha All this is hidden inside of me, It fills me with immeasurable shame, The people see a sweet young girl, They do not see my pain.
50montho Houghton 10 Grimth
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I know you are still with us now, Present in every possible way.
Sophie Chopinon 12 Grimth FibreArtsElective
50montho HDughton 10GriMth
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Ursu!a Sewl 12 Grimth fibreArts Elective
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Anno Peters 1211/1ey FibreArts Elective
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This fibre ortspieceis a sonncolrepresentotion of the Ide01 1950s housewifo. Stereotypicolimoges such OS bleached blonde hot the podded bro and high heels reflecthe, values the home, the fomily ond lbshion
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