2000 School Magazine

onqi"^I works



MomotComeion 128eonlond FibreArts Elective

She sits on the rusted, rickety stairs, Head bowed, greasy hair falling over her face. Fresh scars on her wrists and ankles, Sore red blisters on translucent skin. Sun-warming cold skin and purple lips, The gentle warmth does not reach her heart. Below her, hectic crowds scurry past, Angry beetles in designer shells; They have no love to spare, One pale hand reaches out wavering Iy, A plea among a flood of silent messages. The cry for help is ignored, crushed, trampled, Stilettos and boots grinding it into the concrete. it falls on deaf, selfish ears, And so she is left, alone and unheard.

My mind is my prison, My soul as black as night. I am a servant of the Dark, My enemies serve the Light. I hate them with infinite hatred, I hate them with all my power. I despise them more and more, With every passing hour. I grind my foe beneath my feet, I slash them with my claws. I lift them to my fanged mouth, And crush them between my jaws. Yet I am not invincible, For I have sealed my own fate. It is not the Light that brings my death, I am a victim of my own hate.

fomontho HDughton 10 Grimth

Samantho Houghron 10 Grimth






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Did you ever see a chocolate bar? Sweet-tasting, neverlasting, pure-heaven.

Clone Kelly- 10 Hirschfold E1!20berh Wheeler- 10 Beanlond

81/1eMCA!lister 12 0'Connor FibreArts Elective




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PI, yo Pun 12 Mockoy Fibre Arts Elecnve

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