1999 School Magazine


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VOLLEYBALL Fifth Row IL-Ri: Iucy Tsicabs, Amelio Keilin, Alexondra Horns. Koiherine Kerr, jayde Tilney, Bellndo Deal, Eleanor Schmidt, Caroline Mache Fourth Row 11-Rl. Mongol Chartion, Brylie MCAllisier, Calherine Bradbear, Megan Pearce, Victoria Ling Meogan Ficherly, Kale MCKennoriey, Lauren Goode, jasmine Yorbrough Third Row ILRj: Yona Wilson, Annobelle Lamprechi, Samaniho Bonning, Soloh Benneii. lessico Kelso, Elizobeih MCIelbn, Meghon Achilles, 011via Meadows. Deboroh Waters. lessica Hyne Second Row ILRj: Liliane Dyer, Iucindo Hawes, Louise Rocch, Kelly Sounders, Lauren Hadompou, Alexondra 10'sen, KGvito Paw, Gemma Deal, Pond/iota Tonos. NIColo Walsh, NickieLee Hew, Breanna Ryan Froni Row ILRl: Kirby Short, Carmen Mak, She hard Mendis, Calherine Mak, HeIen Chong, Alexondra Downs ICOpioinl, Mrs S. Dickens iconrdinoiorj, Lisa Parry, lanei Ling, Iulie-Anna Smith, Motel Lesie, Carly Farogher, Felicity Bennefts Stale High. The evenspiriied Year 9 team battled their way through a rough season defeating 3 o1 Q teams, resulting in their placement of sixth position. The largest team of the Grammar squad, the Senior B, proved 10 be the most improved team of the season Their enthusiasm far outweighed their inexperience, resulting in their fantastic placement o1 first position. Senior A displayed their experience and skills also defeating 8 out of 9 teams achieving second place. Finally, the Open team continued their winning streak, becoming the undefeated premiers for the second consecutive Year Special mention must be made of Margoi Charlion, Eleanor Schmidt, layde Tilney and Alexandra Downs who have represented Grammar volleyball for five Years, being wonderIu role models for the Younger volleyballers in their commitment and dedication Apart from being highly placed in the aGSSSA competition, the Girls Grammar volleyball squad also proved 10 be a force 10 reckon with at Slate level. The annual Queensland School's Cup competition provided a challenge for all teams, allowing them 10 play teams outside the QGSSSA circle. Each team rose to the occasion with the Year 85 placing first, the Year 95 sixth, Senior B and Senior A placing first and second respectively. The Open team gained the title of the second best schoolgirls' volleyball team in Queensland, after losing the final to Craigslea Stale High in a close five sei match The high standard of volleyball skills the girls displayed throughout the season was again illustrated with the regional U 16 selection of Nickie-Lee Hew, Victoria Ling, Breanna Ryan, Annabelle Lamprecht and Kale MCKennariey. This talent was again shown in the senior girls with Amelia Kerlin, jayde Tilney, Alexandra Downs and Deborah Waters Ishadowj also being selected in the open regional team. This selection was continued with the Queensland selection o110yde Tilney and Alexandra Downs. Further congratulations must go 10 South-East Queensland representatives, Amelia Keriin and jayde Tilney

Never failing to keep up with tradition, the Grammar VOLLEYBALL squad of I 999 proved 10 one full o1 enthusiasm, spirit and a wide range of Young talent. With the new addition of the separate Year 8 and Year Q teams, the Grammar squad grew from strength 10 strength. Grammar teams illustrated their skills in two separate competitions, namely the QGSSSA fixtures, and the annual Queensland School's Cup However, the Grammar talent was further highlighted with a number of regional and stale selections The QGSSSA fixtures began with a few uncertain games. However, these were soon brushed aside with strong wins to follow. The Year 85 quickly increased their confidence defeating 8 of 9 teams, gaining the equal premiership with SI Peter's and



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