1999 School Magazine



Third Ierm is nadirionally our in o51 acfive elm w!!h over 500 girls competing for the school. The QGSSSA winter program consisis of the Rhythmic Gymnastics and our foul "Winier" sports of Ienni's, volleyball, hockey and neiball The most successful sport of this term by far was the oldest competitive sport in the school, TENNIS. I 999 has been one of our most successful seasons ever, and one Ihai all Grammar tennis players will never forget. Both on and off the court, the girls have shown what irue champions are made of. This has been evident from the outstanding fixture results and from the dedication of every player The first round began promising Iy with 6 of the new look 7 teams having convincing wins over Claylield College This was a great 51.11 to the season and a good indicaiion of what could be anticipated in Ihe upcoming rounds Due 10 a new booking system of the University o1 Queensland, we were unable 10 use the venue for all of our home maiches. However, a highlighi for both the players and the speciabrs, was Ihe Iwo Friday night home games held o1 the University of Queensland tennis courts The venue provided a great atmosphere, which produced some excepiional Grammar performances out of the heal of the morning sun All teams acquitted themselves well with the Year 9 team Icenevieve Bumoris, lulle Sze, 1/1/10n Stack, Kara Millman, Edwina George and CIOire Coronesi dominating over their opponents, rarely conceding a game Their games scores for and against 12882Qj speak for themselves The Opens, Senior B, Senior C, Year Q and the Year 8 teams o11 won the premierships for Iheir divisions. Both the Senior A and the Year I O team also excelled, finishing with second placings


TENNIS Fifth Row 11-Rj Geolgino Yellowlees. lone Boulion, 51dney Cubasch, 1111 an Stock. Amy Chordon, Nikki Benneii Fourth Row itRj Angelique Boyce. Shono Millmon, Phoebe Gervoise. Emma Marriott, Cola Spence, Koihryn Phillips Th rd Row ILRj Penny Bou!ton. Ann-Marie Brady, Genevieve Bumoris. Emily MoodyNobbs, Thea Oakley. Megan O'Connor, Kylie Rivers, Tesso Millman Second Row ILRj Edwino George, Kara Millmon. Tonyo Ross, Annobel Rolley. Sora Kendoll, foulse Hogorlh. CIOire Olive, NICole Berirom Froni Row 11-Rj CIOire Corones. 150belle Cooke. Mrs K Nosh IYeo, Q Coachj, Kale Hodgkinson ICOpioinj,

Mrs P Richardson iconrdinaio, I, lonei Anderson, Iulie Sze Abseni Kylie Hardcaslle. lacelyn Sonderson. CIOir Corneron

The annual intraschool Tennis Tournament was held earlier this Year The Age Group Champions for I 999 are Nikki Benneii IYear 81, lulle Sze IYear 91, Sidney Cubasch IYear I 01, lane Boulion IYear I I I and Shona Millman IYear I 21. The final match to determine the overall School Champion was held on School Day and attracted a large number of eager tennis fans The match between Shona Millman and SIdney Cubasch was evidence of the talent present of schoolgirl level. SIdney defeated Shona, 6-1,6-4, in what was a very exciting and close match


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