1998 School Magazine

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Girls Grammar ^, chuol ;!Brisbane 1998

and even seeing Bundy Rum being made After returning exhausted from their tour, there was yet another new expe- Tience for our guests - that of being a student at BGGS. Just as we had to go to school in our Summer holidays and attend classes where we understood very little, so too did our guests. Each of the girls was adopted by a grade eleven student intending to go on the next eXchange to Essen and many more friendships were made 11 was a sad farewell at Brisbane

Six months later, on June 27, the Australians returned the hospitality when they and their families were back at the airport to welcome their host sisters. The weeks of the school two remaining holidays were spent sight- seeing and socialising in the typical Australian style, inclLiding the mandatory trips to Seaworld and Lone Pine The friendships already established in Germany made it easier for our host sisters to settle in, and apart from a few different hairstyles, it was clear that no- one had really changed. The six month reunion also prompted us to recall end- less stories about our escapades in Gel-


international Airpoit on August I be- cause it was uncertain whether the Aussies and Germans would ever meet aoain. However, four thousand pho- Los, those stubborn five kilograms and a life time of memories will never be forgotten ELIZABETH VELKOVIC

Time 10 0 home. /

many As the Grammar girls returned to school for terror term 111, the German students were setting off in the cold and dark for their gruelling two week camping tour of Queensland. This adventLire was to introduce them to bushwalking in the Camarvon Ranges, cruising and swimming in tropical waters,

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I. 998 German Trip

were eased into the pace of German life with the assistance of our nost families, who proved to be beyoncl expecta- lions. The weel< was ITigh- lighted by a IT\Lich enjoyed visit to the therit\al baths in nearby AtIlendoi. f and an excuision over Lake Constance to Swit- zel'land, wliei'e we saw tlie SOLii'ce of the Rhine Rivei'. Aftei a sad farewell to new friends in SaulgaLi a busy weel< awaited us in Mt!nicli and Berlin

n 15/11 ItIne, a groLip of eleven Grammar girls


and six students froiii Kenmore State High SclTool lieaded by Mr and Mrs Barker embarked o1T a three-and-a-halfweek tour to Ger- Amid farewells at the air- Inariy poll the excitement was Lincteni- able as this woLild be our fiisr chance to see, taste and experi- ence the cultLire and countiy we had heard so I}}11cli aboLit Our GermaiT expel'ience be- gan in Saulgau, a small soutlTern town in Baden-WartembL!Ig. We



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