1998 School Magazine
Girls 6ranimar :^iconol a!artsbaiie 1998
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*.... ~ ~a^ A Year in Denmark
am spending this year in Denmark as part of the Rotary called by their Christian names. They tend to think that because Youth EXchange Programme. When I am introduced to of this we are unable to be individuals or ex ress ou ' el people ITere and they are made aware of the fact that I CHOSE fully, but we didn't have their roblem of navin to wear the Denmark as one of my top preferences, I am invariably stared 'right' clothes. Similarly, although the have the freedom' to be at quizzically and questioned, "WITy DENA'IARK???". And in a themselves, the students generalI conform to the social res- way I can understand. Denmark is a tiny country of just over sures anyway. I'm a fan of uniforms as it takes me too 10n to
42,000 square kilometres Capproximately 1.5 limes smaller than Tasmania). it has next to no natural resources, Do moun- tains, it rains A LOT, and the Danish language will not really secure anyone a prominent place in the wider world BUT, Denmark is a really cool place it has been inhabited since the ice-age (about 12,000 BC), from which period many artefacts have been found. The most written-about historical period for the Danes was when the Vikings wreaked havoc across Europe from 800 to 1100 Since then the "Danish Empire" has greatly diminished but Denmark has made up for the loss of territory by developing a proud culture and traditions My experience of Denmark so far has been excellent. I ITave lived with tv. ,o different families in Randers. a town of * about 60,000 people. There I attend the Amtsgymnasiu-in I Paderup. This is coin- PIetely different from the schooling at Grammar. Firstly, it consists of students
all over Denmark went on Qin' tour of Many other things are also different here. TITere are traditions surrounding everything and these are taken \, ery seriously. in late April there was a huge generalstrike of workers of nearly every description. Rubbish overflowed from bins, schools were half{illed as the students couldn't take buses, there were massive shortages of dairy products and petrol. Yet, on May I, International Workers' Day, the Unions (who ar- ranged the strike) still marched proudly down the streets, cheered on by the public. I seemed 10 be the only one who thought that the whole thing was rather odd: but it's tradition. I do love all the different customs ITere thouglT and the old stories and history surrounding all aspects of life in May fifty eXchange students from decide what to wear and to get ready in the mornings
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Rosintne, rugged zip and ready to cycle
Europe. it was without doubt the best aged sixteen to twenty in three year levels. These students have three weeks of my life. We travelled Ihrou h German , Austria, nearly no rules regarding behaviour as they are expected to act The Czecl\ Republic, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Bel-
responsibly anyway. You can basically choose to go to class or not; no one will look for you or care if you are not there. There are ~no uniforms and the clothes worn are every- thing from very fashion- able outfits complete with make-up and huge plat- form shoes (most of the girls), to holey jeans and a crumpled shirt (many of the boys) 11 is incomprehensi- ble for most of The SIu- dents here that I attended a school with only giils, and wore the same clothes every day. The fact that
gium. We had so many new and exciting expe- TienCeS and met So many fahulous people. From an anti-Nazi Rally coin- PIete with flares and big scaly policemen in Vi- enna, 10 a mass said by the Cardinal in Notre Dame, to seeing the former Eastern block, to going to clubs in Prague it was all brilliant Back in Denmark I
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};*?*::$; have also been doing a fair bit of travellino. Re- cently I went with my host sister to the capital, Copenhagen, for three days. it is a compare-
Tradi'!toil"/ grass-roofed house
we stand up when a teacher errrei's the room is also astounding for them as here it is Inuch more 'classless' and everyone is
tively huge city with a quarter of Denmark's population. it ITas many good museums and attractions. Other sites I have visited
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