1998 School Magazine

Girls 6rammar ^Ichool a!aristane 1998




ebecca Chapman started playing net- all at the age of eight at her local

friendly and we get along really well, " says Rebecca. The squad does not compete against other teams, but is a means of talent Identffication. "They are looking at you for the future, " Rebecca explains. A coinpeti- tive team is not chosen until the Under 21 level


club in Runaway Bay on the Gold Coast From these humble beginnings, an tin- menselytalented netballer emerged. Earlier this year, Rebecca was selected as a mein- ber of the Queensland 17 Years State team This is one of the highest honours an individual can attain in the sport of netbaU However, Rebecca's hunger for success was not satisfied. in April, she competed in the National Netball Championships in Can- berra. The Australian Under 17 Team was selected at the conclusion of the coinpeti- tion. Rebecca was one of the twenty girls chosen from all over Australia. As a member of the team, Rebecca has

SurprisingIy, Rebecca sinl has time to play in the BGGS netball team. "I look forward to playing in the school team every week. It's really fun, " she insists. As she is also a member of the Queensland Under 21 Team and the Queensland Academy of Sport Team, much of Rebecca's time is devoted to netball. She trains seven days a week. Rebecca's 'goal' is to be a member of the under Australian 21 Year team. Judging from her recent achievements, it looks as if Rebecca's dream will soon become reality. BCCS U ~ ,.=.,*

Rebecc" Chapm""

played in Auckland, Sydney, Perth and at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra. She enjoys it very much. "Everyone is



us almah started playing the violin at four years of age. in 1995, she led the George String Quartet to triumph in the Ginies Ensemble Competition. She won the ACie Ginies Memo- rial Prize for a Stringed Instrument in 1996. Last year, Susannah was the recipient of the Friends of Girls Grammar Butsary for Outstanding Perfonnance in Music. in 1998, she has been voted

The lucrative scholarship is worth tlrree thousand doriars. This will enable Susannah to participate in the Aspen Sunrrner School in Colorado, where she will study under the best violin teacher in kinetica. She was to attend the school in the midyear holiday, but she seriously injured her hand before Easter. Susannah was not able to play the violin for two months

Music Captain (Strings) and awarded the String Prize and the RT and AE Iefferies BUTSary. However, Susannah's illusttious achievements extend well beyond the boundaries of Brisbane Girls Grammar. At the end of 1997, Susannah applied for the Sydney May Memo- rial Scholarship. Out of thousands of entries, her application was shoalisted. After a nerve-racking audition and interview, Susannah was awarded the scholarship and she performed at the presentation ceremony at Mayne Hall on March 21

Through sheer will and extensive work with her physiotherapist, Susannah's hand healed in record time This epitornises the deterTmna- tion and dedication with which Susannah approaches the violin. She is in the process of completing Grades Eleven and Twelve over three years, so as to fit in violin practice. She rehearses for about three hours every day. Next year, she hopes to be a National Youth Concerto finalist. After leaving school, Susannah is determined to pursue the violin as a career. With all this talent and devotion, she is sure to realise her goal. IUDY HAINSWORTH




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