1998 School Magazine
Girls 6rainmar School a!3ri5bane 1998
Tom a very early stage, Me lissa Chambers has demonstrated a keen interest in drama and over the past five years she has displayed both talent and acting ,,, ' ' ' ",,.
and on the last day, to see their scripts enacted as palt of the Literary Events of Brisbane Week
potential in the field of creative arts. In August I ., ' Me, ,,,, was presented with the ,,, Coma, ,, .,,;^^;;,, ' h I I ' Young PIarv, rights Award. This outstanding I. . *~~ ,:I'~.;' .- achievement recognises her abitity in drama .; --' %;^ 1.1-;; ' and the amount of effort she has put into script '. ~****': ry p o uce a veiy po _ '''' ,, .. ,,, , The Young Playwrights Award is pre- ~ spite seein the in erformed b f sented to a student in eaclT of three divisions. , ', ~ Toressional actors, MeI' 111 b I' I Meltssa is the co-winner of the senior division ^ ' ' the Macka ifls "added d' for students in Grades Eleven and Twelve. the scri I and reall b ht h Entrants were required to submit a Script M, I- , cb , b essence of the play". She will be eternally entirely of their own creation, that ran for a grateful to the Macka irls for the eff I 11 maximum of flyininutes. Melissa was awarded a considerable put into the performance. amount of money for her script Hello Dolly and participation in During her five years at Grammar, Melissa has been heavily a three-day workshop run by the Queensland Theatre Coin-
involved in the Interhouse Drama competitions and nTany memorable schoolproductionsincludingAni"?"IFdi7??, Vestside Story - a joint production with Churchie, and Running LID a Dress. Me lissa plans to pursue a career in performing arts, particularly in directing and must be wished the best of luck in her future drama studies
pany Six actors from the children's show "Our of the Box" worked with the winners on their scripts, offering interpretations and suggesting improvements. Included in the team was well- known actor/director Lewis lones. The students were able to gain very valuable dramatic experience during the workshop
bile appearances can deceive, Lindsay MCGrath is not your aver-
merit she was selected in both the 1998 Queensland Team and the 1998 Australian Team The Queensland Team went on to place third overall will} Lindsay achieving a high levelof expertise throughoutthe competition and placing twelfth in the Under 17's and third in the Under 15's. The Australian Team competed against New Zealand and won which was a wonderful achievement and experience. The team was presented with PIaques to commemorate the occasion These achievements bring with them great honour and make Lindsay a force to be reckoned with. The entire school body con- gramlates Lindsay on her outstanding achieve- merits and wishes her well in all her future endeavours
age Year Nine student. During her nearly two- year membership of the Brisbane Girls Gram- mar School Fencing Club she has become, undoubtedly, one of the most outstanding young fencers in Australia. This ITas been due to her outstanding talent and dedication to the sport. Lindsay has not only represented the school at the Australian Fencing Federation Nationals; she has also represented the state, as a member of the Queensland Fencing Team, and the nation, as a Inember of the Australian Fencing Team At the national competition in Lidcombe, Sydney, in early July Lindsay competed as a member of the Brisbane Girls Grammarschool team against five other schools from around Australia. As a result of her fantastic achieve-
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Linch"y MCG, '"Ib
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