1998 School Magazine

Girls Grammar ^iconol a!Brisbane 199E


have grown together and become the unitied 'Seniors of 1998 leaders of 'Grammar in 1998'.

'Emmaline' and 'Katherine' (students from the early days) was certainly memorable Term one brought with it chances for us to represent the school at functions such as the Stolen Children Breakfast, an Aboriginal Reconciliation initiative. As well as gaining a greater insight into and understanding of the issues, it was the first of several opportunities to meet with the Captains from schools throughout Brisbane and chat over croissants. First term also introduced the new Grade Eights to the colourful spectacles of the House events. House parties, the Interhouse Swiinming and the Interhouse Drama were enjoyed by all involved and the addition of Mackay to the competition made it all the more exciting The first QGSSSA events, Softball, Cricket, Waterpolo and Swimming, set Grainmar on a witming roll with many more sports to come. Whether it was on the side of a dam or a pool, '00bla' could be heard above the other cries



Mrs Hancock wrtb Kgte Fan?re, a) a"d Einin@ V@ite?s

As Head Girls we have been supported and encouraged by many people and we must thank Mrs Hancock, Miss Winiams, Mr Dale, Miss Hatton, Mrs Lynch and Mrs Harvey-Short espe- cially for being so understanding and for helping make this year so memorable for us. The patience, help and cheery greetings from Miss Giimour and Miss Smith were also much appreciated. The wattnth and friendship from the entire school body but particularly from the other Year Twelves with whom we have shared all the triumphs, trials and tribulations of the past five years were overwhelming


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Grammar voices could also be heard in the inspirational and moving Easter Serviceinthe StJohn's Cathedral arthe beginning of tenn two. Even more enthusiastic singers and instrumental- ists took part in the Sunday Afternoon City Hall Pronrs Concert which not only showcased the school's talent in a truly professional spectacle but also helped raise money for the PNG Tidal Wave Relief Appeal. This was one of the successful fundraising efforts to which the students generously contrib- uted time and money and which reinforces the involvement of BGGS in the wider community The social highlight of the year for the seniors was undoubt- eruy the formal held at the end of term two. After practising our dancing in Year Assemblies (as a bonding and de-stressing exercise), the grade was ready to get down and boogy and the night was a memorable end to a hectic first semester. Thanks must go to the Parents and Friends' Association and to Me agan Capper and Susannah White house for organising the event For the Grade Twelves the anticipation of an exciting fourth tenn with School Day, the Valedictory Dinner and Speech Day is helping dispel the gloom of the impending QCST and final exams. Our final weeks together will be sad as we realise that in sharing so many experiences over our years at Ginirunar, we




in wishing everyone success, we have no doubt that the Seniors of 1998 will rank among the 'Grainmar giants' - those who perpetuate the unique spirit and tradition of Brisbane Girls Gratinnar School for the students of the future 4"'Ib@ue seen/Myther, it is by stareding o73 the shoulders q gi^itts ISAAC NEWTON



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