1998 School Magazine
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6ir156rammar ^, chou13Bri5bane 1998
Head Girls ' Report
1998 : ;;::;1:11^:; much, but was so much more 1998 was a year that exceeded all expectations. Achievementsirithe sporting, cultural and acadenxic fields were again outstanding and within the school the breadth and depth of involvement in all things Gramniar was evidence of the infectious 'Granunar spirit'. The friendship andfellowship through- out the school but in particular in the Grade Twelve body, made 1998 the successful and enjoyable year that it was in this short report we have attempted to select and channel all our memories (not an easy task) and Tetell the story of 1998
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St""d, "g (Z-R): K. Broom, S. Whitehouse, S. Hy"e, S. /@"us, K. Eine, son, G. Cooke, A. Smith, A. FFaser Seated (L-R):I. Rimmi"gto, a, MrA. Date, K. F@"ite, ; Mrs/. H@"cock, E. IV@Ite, s, Miss Milli@ms. K. Fleming
from our perspective
For us it began at the end of last year with the exciting yet daunting news that we were to be peers and accepted by the award conimttee were presented the head girls' Boosted by the enormous support from the year, with badges and pockets on assembly. Feedback has indicated we got down to business in the holidays fonnulating a list of that this was a positive change 'major aims and objectives'. in presenting these to the schoolin The rapid pace of change can sometimes be unsettling and week one we used the example of a Mexican wave <1ater to later in tenn one it was nice to be able to reflect on the days of prove popular at assembly) to illustrate the importance of our founders and be reininded of the ideals upon which the participation and involvement. From then on, it felt as if we school was founded. The Foundation Day assembly with were being camed by the momentum of the wave. The characterised year was
early as one of innovation with signiticant changes being made to the system of student leadership The first "Student Executive" con- sisting of the House Captains and Head Boarder and chaired by us as Head Girls was inducted in week two. The new approach to leadership proved to be a more I
the importance of the House Sys- tern being further emphasised. Weekly Executive meetings were extremely productive as imple- meritation of initiatives and relay- ing of feedback was made easy though the separate Houses. With the abolition of prefects, outstand- ing leadership and service within the school have been recognised this year with honour awards. Girls nonimated by staff or their
HONOUR AWARDEES St@"d, "g (L-R).. A. P@line, ; L. Scbo!es, S. Ske, ,it@", S. Ntsbet-Smith, I. Little, P. Macke"tie, A. Dickinso", L. Gameroff, L. Green, I. Traitbe, g Se@tod (L-R): E. Prto, ; E. Vatkoutc, E. Webb, A. Dye"""?aJ. Mach@y, C. Marl^,, K. Mendr@
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