1998 School Magazine

Girls Granimar :^, rho01313risbane 1998

., a ^i. 5^ Club Sport

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he club system is now firmly woven into the fabric of Grammar Sport and plays an important part in offering more girls the opportunity 10 participate. Like its sporting counterpail, QGSSSA, the club teams have experienced a Ilighly successful year illroughihc dedication of the girls, coaclTes, staff and parents All clubs now offer an encouragement award to be pre- sented 10 athletes \vlTo have performed consistently, nave shown commitment andieam spirit, and who, in the eyes of Ihe club committees, have demonstrated the potential 10 continue in their chosen sport. Tllese awards wei. e established to illustrate that sport is ITot just about winning, but aboui commitment, sacrifice and giace under pressure Approximately 540 studenis competed in Grammar Club coloui's this year, undei' the guidance of 62 coaches, and nine co- oldiiiators. 'This level of invol\, ement is extraordinaiy and is an indication of why, the Grammar teams are so successful at 1,011i cluli and representative level

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rulership. This team, Carly Cronin, Sasha Cuffe, Be finda Deal, Satah Estwick, Luisa Hawkins, Carolyn Johnson, Cadlerine Mak, Nit, ki Martin, Lit Moroney, Jodie Taylor and Susannah White house, played the final series in history- making fashion. The team played four games in the finals scoring 91 goals willt only 5 against, taking out the line

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;!I't';tI slit ('CSS under the girl, 1:11i, 'I. ill head coach, Alitly '11/4/1,11nd his team Will I jilt' 1111 illsion of two ,11visi, ills ill tile Under 16 ;11/11 1/1/'11. I' 18, Grammar ''''t1 1113:11 1111/1cs. OUT new 11ntlci' I \ it. ;11n was en- telecl as a <11';11ninar team ancl consist CLI of 26 Year 7 gii'Is in '97 who had a glintpsc of WITat to expect 211 Grammar in '98 'The season was very successful For() };c;ISOii proved a * Four participated in grand finals. Grammar succeeded in taking away, one pie- injetship in the Brisbane Club Competition, this be- ing 111e strong and dedi- caled 11nder ISA 'TITe Un- der 14.15,16As all placed second Entry into the Queens- land Secondary School Knockout Competition, Q Soft. saw Grammar once again taking out the pie-



of the best Girls' Scliool in Queenslancl A1 tile SI;Ite 16 ancl Under Club Chainpion- ships, the 13 Grammar Girls fought it ard to retain the pre- inIership. The final result pi. ov-

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ed to be a draw willI no final played. The girls showed 111eir skill witlT eight being selected for the Queensland Squad. 'These girls were Stephanie Boughen, Carly Cronin, Bennda Deal, Satah Estwick, Susie Fraser, Luisa Hawkins, Nikki Martin, Jess Moles and Lit Moroney. Further Luisa Hawkins, Carly Cronin, Lit Moroney, Sarah Estwick and Suzie Fraser gained selection into Tile Queensland Team, ancl they partici- paled in Nationals during late September in Melbourne As a result of


bonl within and outside the club, willT many girls representing either Regional, Queensland and/or Australian Teams Ten teams I'GPresented the school this year, seven of whom made 11 into the lop foul




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their success at this carnival, Luisa Hawkins and Carly Cro- nln were se- rected for the honorary AUS- tralian Under 17 Squad.



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