1998 School Magazine

Girls Grammar ^, rhool ;Brisbane 1998




his year has been both an exciting and successful year for the BGGS interact Club, with all of its 200 members participating in numerous fundraising activities Early in the year, a number of the Board members were fortunate enough to attend the Red Shield Appeal breakfast which was held in the Convention Centre. Inspired by Stuart Diver's courageous address, the club decided to donate funds raised in 1998 to the Salvation Army. As the Thredbo disaster clearly demonstrated, in times of need we depend on this wonderful organisation Interact also pledged to continue to support Ruth Kimani Through donations made to World Vision, the club has been successful in sponsoring Ruth into a secretarial course at the Kenyattian University Bureau of Training and Consultancy The fundraising efforts for the year began with a "Spider" drink stall which was highly successful and raised in excess of $300. The Interact Club organised the school's participation in the annual Red Cross Doorknock Appeal and it was through the inspiration al words of Red Cross fundraising officer, Nicky Briscoe, that Grammar had a record number of 350 girls participate in the doorknock Prior to Easter, a small contingent of Interact members visited the Royal Children's Hospital to distribute Easter Eggs and girls, as part of Interact's community service. All girls enjoyed the interaction with the young children whose joy and delight were shown with hugs and huge smiles

Our next fundraising venture was a Mothers' Day flower stall. The school community supported this activity with over 250 girls ordering bunches of chrysanthemums for their moth- ers, helping Interact to raise approximately $250 On the last day of term two, Interact organised a "Plain Clothes Day" in which all members of the school community participated enthusiastically Our fundraising activities for semester two will include raffling a Father's Day Hamper, a combined Movie Night with Boys ' Grammar and a " Side-Show-Alley" type stall and raffle on School Day. We look foiward to these being financially success- ful We have been fortunate to have had the continued support of Mr Brier Thomas, a member of the Windsor Rotary Club. He has given us great encouragement and has been highly involved in our fundraising activities. Thanks must also go to Mr BTOmiley whose willing assistance has been greatly appreciated through- out the year The success of the Interact Club has largely been the result of the tireless efforts of the Interact Board and the club's members. I would like to encourage all Interact members to continue their support of the club, as it is the efforts of the club which help those who are less fortunate than ourselves Best of luck to next year's Board for a productive and successful 1999 SUZANNA NISBET-SMITH PRESIDENT

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St""dimg (L-R).' R Fa, '!ey, P. Mackenz!'e, A DJc*117son Seated (L-R): G tvi'!Jim, "s, K Byo!u, I, S. N!'sbe!-Sin, 'th, K Far, ,, e,


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