1998 School Magazine

Girls Grammar ^ithool alarmbane 1998


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The a. tre Dance

"It's not onlythe spectacle of the banet that captivates, but the beauty of the dancer. " very Monday afternoon from 3.30 to 5.00, the 1998 Theatre Dance group has come together for a satisfying and enjoyable experience. Some girls come loincrease their appreciation of various dance styles, while others attend for the social atmos- phere and fitness The International Dance Week display held in the auditorium proved to be popular with items from both senior and junior students The program consisted of solo and group

Good luck to Kristy Kersnovske in her senior role next year; with such enthusiasm from the younger grades your job should be an enjoyable experience Congratulations must go to two past Theatre Dance captains for their achievement in the performing arts. Anna Sergeant (Captain 1994) has been in Thailand for the past year dancing Beata Kerlin <1996 Captain)

has completed a per- forming arts course in Sydney and now contin- ues her dance studies at the University of Suney in England. We wish both these girls the best of luck for the future A special thanks to Sara


performances of tap, ballet, contemporary and jazz. Thank you to all students and teachers who helped make this display possible at such short notice Other performances still to come are our lunchtime concert and our performances on assembly and School Day. The enthusiasm for their dedication to dance in the Grammar community Karlie, Kale, 10die and I wish everyone the best of luck for next year and hope that the advanced dances legend lives on at BGGS for many years to come shown by the entire Theatre Dance group is amazing and all students must be coinmended

Kersnovske for her dedication and inspiration throughout the year Recognition must also go to senior students Karli Burgoyne, Kate Moore andJodie Travers. Their continual sup- port and enthusiasm has made the year all the more enjoyable. Thank you also to Mrs MCConaghy whose support and guid- anCG have been greatly appreciated VICTORIA KERLIN THEATRE DANCE CAPTAIN

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