1998 School Magazine
Ginger am mar ^Ith001313risbane 1998
me buffs members have contributed to a range of Club activities throughout the year. Critical viewings and discussions have continued and what has become an annual event, the Cinebuffs Mini Film Festival, was organised Most Club members eagerly participated in basic video- recording training sessions, and engaged in experimentation with editing and special effects. These activities made an excellent springboard for our current project - the Inaugural BGGS you?Ig Film-Makers' Doct, me?!!"?y Competition Inspired by "Race around the World", Cinebuffs members are creating mini-documentaries ("Race around Grammar"?) which are soon to be screened and Award winners nominated Who knows where our activities will take us next. ...?
Staindi"g (L-R).' A Peters, C Hz, inphi'eys, E. Newton, A. Vat&in P. Isles, C. MCI, D. MCA, ,drew, G. Cooke Seated (L-R): K. Wt'!!, RMS, A. Ryde, ; E. Truce, N Fong
Computer Club
his year has seen a steady increase in the number of One example of this could be an assignment in Mathematics in members in the Computer Club and we have been kept relation to surveying areas and plotting terrain. The Design an
Technology stLidents utilized the program to design projects in ZD and 30 environments prior to constructing the final product Members of the Computing
very busy with new technology and software. With the operat- ing platform on the network being upgraded to Windows 95, it
has allowed a greater consist- ency for working at school and at home. The new platform has introduced new software and new procedures, which have also caused minor teething problems for some students. The Club is using its members to act as Lab Assistants in order to provide a 'Help Desk' to train students and help with minor problems. The role involves a rostered lunch- who moves time supervisor through the labs to help out with software, printing andlog in prob- Iems
Club participated in the Annual Brisbane Internet Games held at the Ekka in August. The team, accompanied by Mr Devoy, con- SISted of Sarah Kenny, Carla Diercke, AlexGillies, SatahHyne and Sally Lohrisch. Competitors had to search for very specific information on the Internet and find it very quickly. Three min- ores only were allocated to each of the eight qtiestions per heat The topics included Trivia, His- lory, School, Home and Gar- den, Arts and Entertainment,
Computers, Around the World and Market Place. The students competed in heats against students from schools all ovei Queensland. A point system was Lised to award places. All five competitors performed veiy well witlT Sally ITTissing out on a place in the semifinals by just one second in the tie-breaker BGGS Computer Club members continue to look forward to the challenges of tollTorrow today CARLA DIERCKE AND SARAH KENNY
Many new software titles have been introdLiced to the network. One of these packages inclLided a prograin called MiniCAD. This software is one of the leading industry standard packages in Computer Aided Design (CAD). 11 allows the LISer to design and complete engineering and architectural designs in two-and three-dimensional environments. This software was introdLiced to tile Year Ten Design and Technology classes, and the cross-curricular possibilities are limitless for other subjects
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