1998 School Magazine
Girls Gramniar :^iconot ;!Irish ane 1998
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eeking intellectual stimulation, social interaction and ... fontine cookies, the members of the Athene Club have gathered many times this year 10 tackle the big issues. A1hene, named after the Greek goddess of wisdom, is comprised of Year Eleven and Twelve students from both BGS and BGGS. 11 was originally formed in order to provide its members with the opportunity to lake part in intellectual discussion beyond that experienced in the classroom and to encourage leadership and excellence in thinking, debating and pLiblic speakino. Through- out 1998, the members of TITe club have souoht to continue this tradition, and have had an excellent time in the process The typical themes of discussion - politics, sex and I'eligion continued to circulate, but when the traditional topic of feminism made its appearance it came in an interesting and f^CSh context thanks to Chai'lotte Price's paper, "images and Interiors - a Revolution". Other papers this year ITave included Kane Mendra's "Marriagc - lis Failures and lis Future", KGlly Einerson's "Souvenir Babies" and navid Wono's intriguino discLission on grief
Witl\ political correctness regularly thrown to the wind, an abundance of controversial papers and Ed Whiiton at one stage referring to pregnancy as "nine months of inconvenience". there was also no shortage of passionate debate at At hene meetings this year. Alexi Drennan's paper on the wharfies union dispute, which was making huoe headlines earlier in the year, was followed by a particularly healed discussion, which contin- ued well into the Tim Taro break A nTention must also be given to Tony Been. whose in ITovative and inletaciive presentation on racisnT and political persuasion was one of the Inore In Ginorable papers of the year Emma Wallers provided a particularly entertaining performance during This paper, being the last to catch on to the cunning trick of the "Time Test", whiclt showed us how easily people can be manipulated while believing they are doIna the right thino Overall the year has been interesting. enjoyable and at times amLISing, thanks to the great diversity of opinions and person- alities that exist within this inspiration al club. Thanks must go to A, Ir Dale and Mr Short (BGS) for coordinatino the club, and to Mrs Golwill, Mrs Seckold and Ms nation for their continuino support and involvement EMMA PRIOR
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ATHENE Brick Ro, " (L-R).. S Tort, . A Ginies. A Fn!'!Ile!, K Eijie!3011. G SI, likej, . S Bn!, e!:I illdcG!//Innj, Seco"d Ro, " (L-R): Ah\I Secko/of, 11/13 R Collt, 1/1. S Binck. G Cooke. S '51/1, !'ck. P Isles. E 117n/leis, A Iai'd!!Ie. ,\11\s A Hanoii. 11h'A Dale F, 'owlRo, " (L-R): K ITlcC!DSSiii. C Jimi'/ej, , C' PITce. A PIToi'. I tub!!e, A;. C/ntni'!!10, K Inclidiu
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