1998 School Magazine
Girls Gramniar ^ichoot ^artsbane 1998
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Gt^ the Bus
Cars look the kids to school and everywhere Clogging the traffic, polluting the air
GWS the EWS Sc@r the C@r
The noises, the traffic the heat, the smoke Easily enough made many people choke
M@tt the City Cat Sb, ,"e the Tr@," Other C"rs
Scar the Car had given the world a curse Soon the bad effects were taking over the universe
The holidays were over, they'd come to an end 11 was time for the school term to begin again
Gus the Bus cried "I cant stand this anymore On Scar the Car, I declare war"
Parents in cars driving their kids around Making an irritating and undelightful sound
Gus organised a top secret meeting with Matt and Shane Who, respectively, were the leaders of all City Cats and Trains
The hole began to increase in the ozone layer Creating more disturbance than a serial slayer
The three assessed the matter with maturity and style And came to a solution after a while
Gus the Bus was also a sad sight He held no passengers, no children to fight
Many of us have heard about a bomb on a bus We all know that caused an almighty ftiss
This was the way Scar the Car liked it to be He was an anti-environmentalist, yoLi see
Btit Gus, Malt and Shane planned a bomb in a car And the name of that particular vehicle was Scar
Scar loved to see our planet suffer and hurt So to all school kids' cars he sent an alert
Malt impolted the bomb froni across tlie river This City Cat showed no feai. , not even a shivei
"You cars better drive all your kiddies to school No public transport, o1' liding, or even carpools"
Shane the Train spied on Scar's whereabouts from ITis track He, along with the others, knew there was no turning back
He said "Rev your engines, let smoke into the sky And believe ITTe, fellow cars, do this or you'll die"
At the organised date, at the organised time At the organised place, at the scene of the crime
So, as you can imagine, all the cars weie so scared That disobeying their master was never daled
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