1998 School Magazine

Girls natammar ^Ichool a!, rigbane 1998




15 fate real? it we went backin time. ...... Could we save I. F. K. , or would he die a week later? it the bomb in Hiroshima didn't blow, Would another one be dropped? it Christopher Columbus died in 1491 Would America be what it is today? it John Logie Baitd was never born, Would we have T. V. ? if Julius Caesar was sick and stayed home on the Ides of March, Would he be stabbed anyway? it Isaac Newton had died as a baby, Would science matter as nitich? it the Scarlet Pimpernel had not existed, What would have happened in the French Revolution? it Diana had decided to fly home that fatal night, Would the plane have crashed? it all these little things could change the world, then where would we be if there were no crib deaths, no accidents, no murders? if. by corrLm CosS 9 Hitscl!fez, ,

DEDrc, .I"ED To BUDDrNG HOLLY, ,'000 ':SinRLETS"

You sat there at your dressing table Brushing your long strands of pure, golden honey Your dark eyes smouldering in the silvery reflection, Your earrings shimmering in the dim light

Who did you think you were?

Tall, thin, graceful Draped in Versace curtains And Chanel tablecloth Your small, delicate feet Moving smoothly in their Doc Marten cases.

Stars shone in your eyes, on your ears, at your throat. Your sweet, flowery scent wafting, Weaving its way through the minds of those around you Weaving its magical spell on the already-converted


But I knew who y011 were.

Lamb's wool slippers set Cement. They give n}e comfort in ktTowing I'm stuck in one place. Blit I can soar so low Beneath the depths of niistinderstanding Of the sacrecl an<1 truthful Repetitions cracking sets nie free I can't fly now My feathers have left me dro\\ ning

I laughed when your platform ItImbled fron\ be neatl} you When you came crashing to the ground funid a confusion of Versace rubble, Chanel shrapnel, Doc Marren debris Yotir star no longer silone, dtilled. Perhaps by YOLu' scent, whicli merged with the breeze, leaving Minds enTpty.

Your spell was broken

A diz^, kaleidoscope Tunnels nie to earth To reality. Where nothing is real

by NATAITF EONG 12 Htrscl!fe!, I

by EMMA CORNFORD 12 Gr, ffttb


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