1998 School Magazine

Girls 6rammar ^, rhool ;Brisbane 1998



Hello Dolly


DNA related crime has become a major problem in modern society ever since the young sheep Dolly was cloned back in the 90s. As we all know that breakthrough laid the foundations to the clone infested society that we live in today


coP 2

7100 detecttuese"!er/70m the backqftbe theatre to the sounds of Mission Impossible. They more through the gildt^rice with 61 DenJ Men in Black! air about them. They are wean?Ig bed^I tre"cb coats and SI, rigidsses 413d care stem faced. 013ce they reach the stage, they are illuminated by qpotlights cared penorm theirscenein/font of the closed curtain. it is essential that they remain straight/"ced tbfot, ghoul

Oh if Dolly only knew what Dolly would do

coP I

These days it just seems like a never ending free for all - where anyone can have your DNA in their hands

CoP 2

CoPS I & Z FREEZE! DNAPD! (tbrL, SI their badges Quo

CoPS I & Z (click their/triger^ Like that

Both of the qj'icers stand at ease

And use it to breed clones for greedy factory

(speak:s d, }ect!y to the dudie"ce) Good evening ladies, gentlemen. My fellow officer and I are both so glad that you share our concern with DNA security and were so adamant in expressing that concern by joining us this evening

coP I

coP I


Lacking military divisions

CoP 2

(slotL^!y and mendct'"g!y) Dwindling high school teaching faculties

coP I

That's right Captain

CoP 2

Thank you Lieutenant

coP I

Well we at the DNAPD have only two words for you people

coP 2

No. thank you

CoP 2

coPS I&2


No really. Thank you. (to the audience) Are you tired of rounding a corner and bumping into yourself;

coP I

Follow a few, simple procedures and you will never again have to followin the footsteps of dear old Dolly

coP I

Are you sick of being held at gunpoint to sullen- der your eyebrow hairs?

coP z

My colleague will demonstrate as I explain the procedures. Thank yoti Captain

CoP 2

Do you consider your fingernail clippings your own property?

coP I

No thank you

coP I

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