1997 School Magazine

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than we were leaving again. Our host fami- lies were so generous helpful, friendly and willing to accommo- date us, that we found it hard to leave . The Japanese as a people are extremely gener- ous, asking nothing in return. This can only be illustrated by th e amount of baggage we returned with. We were overwhelmed by the presents we re- ceived and we couldn'I thank them enough.

places such as Suzuka Circuit, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, museums, parks, shopping cen- tres, castles, temples, musical concerts and Nagoya. Another per- sonal favourite of ours was a strawbeny farm . Sarah's host sister was friends with the granddaughter of a strawberry farmer. Af- ter a day's shopping, the three of us were invited to sample some of the best strawber- ries Japan had to offer.

Sarah Roberts-Thomson

They were delicious but after about one hundred each it was time to call it quits . Sadly our exchange was almost over and we couldn't believe it. We all agreed five weeks is just not long enough. No sooner had we settled in

Matsusaka, Japan, may not be a big city or a particularly busy one, but we left it feeling we 'd seen Japan and experienced the lifestyle it offers, whil e knowing we now had second families and second homes.

Visit to ,Tsushhna Girls' High School J apan: the land of the rising sun, or the land of Sushi, as we thought it to be before the 1996/ 97 Japan Trip. Out of the nine girls who went the bus, Karlene was named Queen of Karaoke! We were lucky enough to see some beautiful places such as a pure gold temple and also to stay in a plush hotel for a night. Going to school in a forei gn

on the trip, six of us, Kate, Karlene, Mani , Kirsten, Ellie and Shadia, went to Tsushima Girls ' High School in Nagoya. On our first day of school we were warmly welcomed with com- plimentaty slippers, big waves and a special introduction ceremony. The school took great care of us, and on our first weekend we were taken on a bus with Karaoke facili- ties to the ancient city of Kyoto. On

countty during holidays may not be eve1yone's idea of fun, but for us it was an experience. We did calligra- phy, sight-seeing, really interesting PE lessons which included wheel- barrow races, and ate lollies every ten minutes . During our stay, we had two

Karaoke weeks holiday and were able to enjoy shopping, visit Tokyo Disney- land, Samurai places, castles and ------------------------ 94------------------------

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