1997 School Magazine
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school is not as multicultural as Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Since I have been in Australia I have done many enjoyable things. I went to Seaworld and to Lone Pine where I got to hold a koala. I want to take one home with me to Germany. I also went to the Ekka with Jo and her friends . It was a ve1y funn y night. When I came here two years ago, I saw the Great Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest which were ve1y beautiful. While I have been in Australia I have met lots of new people and made lots of new friends. (Especially Jessica, who has appar- ently saved my life several times when I've crossed street s because the cars drive on the right side of the road in Germany!!!) I like Australia very much; it is so beautiful that I want to come here again. During my stay I have become half Australian, because I have learned lots of newAustralian words, such as "G'day mate" and "throw a shrimp on the barbie". (I thought it was the barbie doll! !!) But I think some words I'll never understand!!! I'll never forget my trip to Australia . It was a wonderful time and I will miss eve1ybody. INGA SOBIREY
such as soccer, handball , badminton, basketball, table-tennis, volleyball , swimming, hockey and gymnastics are very popular in Germany. After Grade Four we can choose between three different types of schools. The Hauptschule , for people who have difficulties with learning, finishes at Grade Nine, the Realschule which is a trade school, finishes at Grade Ten and the Gymnasium which is an academic school, finishes at Grade Thirteen. After Grade Thirteen it is compulsory for all boys to serve one year in the army or to do community service. Here I get up at the same time and we catch the train at 7.20 a.m. For me the school day is ve1y long. I think the advantages at Girls Grammar are: the school is more beautiful than my school in Germany; you can play more sports; there is better technology, for example the computers; and the school is cleaner than mine . The disadvantages are: wearing school uniforms , the longer lessons and school days. The advantage at my school is having boys as well as girls at the school because it is more interesting and they make classes more fun . I think the disadvantages are that the school looks ve1y dull, and my
Senior Gertnan Catnp
O n 10 May, after weeks of prepa-
Aerobics. Both activity groups spent time with the native speakers prac- tising their spoken Ger- man skills. We were all taped speaking. Then the tape was played back so we could hear ourselves speak - a valuable, if embarrassing, exercise. This tape was then fea- tured on ethnic radio sta- tion 4EB's Austrian pro- gram. On Sunday afternoon, we packed up and boarded the bus again. The ride home was con-
ration by Mrs Kiolle and Mrs Barker, twenty-seven senior German students gathered at BGGS before boarding buses bound for Imbil. We were going on the first ever BGGS Sen- ior German Camp. Ac- companying us were Mrs Kiolle, Mrs Kiolle's chil- dren, Mr and Mrs Barker, the Barkers' children and two native speakers . Needless to say, the bus ride was ve1y lively. Two noisy hours later we ar- rived at Imbil, only an hour behind schedule.
siderably quieter than the preceding one. This was most likel y due to the revehy of the night before . So after the unavoidable two hour bus ride, twenty-seven senior German students, the Kiolles , the Barkers and the native speakers returned to BGGS. The weekend would have been perfect if it were not for the existence of a certain video in the possession of Mrs Kiolle documenting the morning Aerobics 1 All in all, it was a very successful weekend. Thanks must go to Mrs Kiolle and Mrs Barker for their careful planning and to Richard and Birgit for their time and enthusiasm.. EMMA CAMERON
The aim of the camp was to have fun while practising and improving our German skills. Apart from the early morning Aerobics, it was virtually impossible not to do both. After we had chosen dormitories and unpacked our things , eve1yone assembled in the dining rooms. It was the beginning of a busy weekend. For the two days we were at Imbil, we took part in a variety of activities. We went on a German Nature Treasure Hunt, played German board games , German sports, cooked and ate German food, watched a German movie and did German
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