1997 School Magazine

--------- ©irls ©rammar ffi>cbool ~rishane 1997

My Trip to Australia

W hen I landed after a long flight at the Airport in Brisbane, many people were standing round the entrance looking for people, so I had to look hard for my host

Douglas , Charters Towers , the Great Barrier Reef, the Whitsundays and Fraser Island. The best part of the trip was the Great Barrier Reef and sailing aound the Whitsundays . The

night at Roma was also very good, because we don't have places like that in Germany. Before my departure in Frankfurt I was really excited about going to Australia and couldn't wait to find out what it would be like. Everything started two years ago, when I decided I wanted to go to Australia . Until eve1ythingwas finalised time flew. In the weeks leading up to my trip I could hardly wait. In the be- ginning I couldn't believe I was here. So far it has been

sister, Brooke Schmidt. After a short time I found her, her pa rents and smallest brother who were all there waiting to meet me. I couldn't believe that I was in Australia and I was ve1y excited to be here . When we went to school on Monday I realised it was very different from school in Germany. In Wiesbaden (my home) my school starts at 8.05 a.m. and fini shes at 1.15 p .m. After the second and fourth lesson we have a fifteen minute break. Our lessons are forty-five min- utes long and we have six les-

Maike Kirsch

wonderful. Everyone is very nice and helpful and my host family is showing me as much as possible of Brisbane and the surrounding area. They have taken me to Lone Pine Sanctua1y, were I cuddled a koala and fed the kangaroos. We also visited Noosa where Brooke took me sa iling. We walked through the National Park and went swimming at Noosa Beach. I thought at first that six weeks was a ve1y long time but time is passing by so quickly. I would love to stay longer. MAIKE KIRSCH

sons a day. I usually get home at half past one and the first thing I do is eat lunch. After that I have to do my homework and then J 've got free time . Once a week in the afternoon I have school sport. I think your school is stricter than my school and we don't have a school uniform. After a week of school I went on a camping tour of North Queensland. The tour was really fantastic. The first night I stayed on a cattle station in Roma. That is what I thought a lot or Australia would look like. On my tour I saw Cairns, Port

An Australian Experience


E ve1ything began three and a half years ago, \VhenJo Macleod and I became penfriends. We visit each other in Ge rmany and Australia. Th is (no1thern) summer holi- day is my second time in Aus- trali a. Long before the holidays started, I was ve1y excited about orning to Australia on my own. I fl ew from Frankfurt to Hong Kong and stayed there for three clays, then I flew to Cairns and Brisbane. Here I've stayed with Jo's family in their ve1y nice home for five weeks .

On the first Monday morning we went to school. There is a big difference between my school, a gymnasium in Wiesbaden, and Girls Grammar. At home I get up at 6.00 a.m. and catch the bus at 7.00 a.m. The ride takes 45 min- utes and my school day starts at 8.05 a.m. I have six lessons till 1.00 p.m.. A lesson is 45 minutes . After school I catch the bus again and I'm home at 2.00 p .m. Then I have a hot lunch and I do my homework. Once a week I have sports in the afternoon, which I can choose every year. Sports

Inga Sobirey

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