1997 School Magazine
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®iris ®rammar ~c~ool ~risbane 1997
Head Boarder's Report
be like in six years time when BGGS boarders will no longer exist. Each and every boarder that Grammar has ever hosted has been unique and eve1y one has been indelibly written in to the deep rooted histo1y of Girls Grammar through the variety of contributions she has made. However, we are not yet extinct and eve1yone still has plenty of time to have a great time as we did this year! 1997 was an 'Absolutely Fabulous' year for the Boarding House. We
"Boarders are the backbone of the Brisbane Girls Grammar School community." We are the close-knit group of sisters who span out into the day school and touch the lives of every Brisbane dweller with stories and backgrounds of our multicultural , interstate, coastal and country lives. We live, breathe, eat and sleep at school, which makes us an integral part of eve1y single school or non school day. For these reasons I find it hard to imagine what Brisbane Girls Grammar School will
BOARDERS Back Row (L-R): C. Mcleod, D. Sage, M. Hamilton, H. Mooney, j. Tilney, V. Godfrey, K. Coyne, K. Griffitbs, K. Pearson, M. Tierney Sl:1:th Row (L-R): E. Lorraway, A. Best, M. Flabe11y, B . Dent, S. Heap, S. Hyne, S. George, A. Smitb, A. Friend, R. Bow, .M. Smitb, R. Hunge,ford Fifth Row (L-R): S. Han.non, A. Grainge1; L. Tsica/as, C. Hudson, A. Harris, Z. Yule, Y. Cheng, N. Btl1'ke-Shyne, P. Campbell, A. Downs Fourth Row (L-R): L. .Murray, j. Hyne, j. Campbell, K. Poffe1; K. Pbillips, S. Spoone1; E. Heap, M. Grainge1; G. Dent, C. Mackie, C. Tierney, M. Boyd, C. Burning/Jain, L. Goode Tbh·d Row (L-R): j. Rowles, N. Bow, M. Boyd, G. Hicks, N. Bernays, B. McA/liste1 ; P. Sbaw, E. Lane, C. Hatfield, A. Brown, j. Young, M. Cameron Seco11d Row (L-R): C. McKean, F. Simmons, N. Bertram, C. Brebon, K. Benbam, ] -A. Smitb, K. Saunders, E, McKean, A. Woolcock, A. Springhall, j. Copland, L. Slazte1; Y. \fl i/son, j. Cbeung, C. Hinds F1·011t Row (L-R): M. Varma, A. Hamilton, Mrs R. Van de Veen, Miss N. Moreland, S. Smith, .Mrs G. \Vbeelwrigbt, Bo Parsons, Mrs E. Parsons,
K. Byth-Lowden, Missj. Conoplia, Miss T Newman, A. Vanna, D. Treloar Abse11t: L. Dobbrick, L. Cbar/son, S. Lobriscb, H. Murray, K. Dobbrick, A . Web!
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