1997 School Magazine

@iris @nnnmnr ~c!Jool :mrisbnne 1997

Hea A hhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! How do you start a report which is meant to summarise all the people, events, activities, challenges, triumphs , energy, vitality, and spirit involved in an entire year's activities at BGGS? Beside the fact that it was the only sound that came out, 'Ahhhhhh' is probably the closest we'll get to summing up the year in one word, particularly 1997. Anyone who's ever been on a rollercoaster will know the feeling .. . the highs, the lows , the uphill-battles , the speedy, hectic parts, the excitement and the sheer thrill of it all. This has become away oflife forus Grammar girls. While the rollercoaster analogy may have been used already this year, it is still pertinent, and will continue to be until the end of 'the ride' for 1997 when the Christmas holidays arrive. The seniors' enthusiasm to finally 'take the reigns' and lead the school was evident right from Day One: Grade Eight Orientation Day, when almost one hundred percent of the Year

Ort What else have we been doing this year? No, we 'll rephrase that: what baven 't we been doing this year? The combined Prefects ' meeting with BGS was a tough first assignment; a beautiful Easter se1vice at St John's Cathedral was an excellent way to open Term Two; and West Side Sto1y highlighted star performances from some of our best talent. But wait, there 's more ... the gymnastics competition had heaps of 'hangers-on'; the choir comp. 'struck the right chord'; Interhouse debating got us all talking, the Proms Concert really hit a high note; and eve1yone 'raced' over to Churchie for athletics. The Feminist Debate with BGS showed us exactly why we needed one (!) and

Fasbion Parade the Fashion Parade ... . well, it certainly amazed all of BGGS (not to mention half of Boys' Grammar, too!!). In fact, we think Grammar should initiate a QGSSSA Juggling Competition... we'd be sure-fire winners eve1y year. What about the pinnacle of the seniors ' social calendar? The BGGS Senior Formal dese1ves a mention of its own. Everyone looked absolutely stunning and a great night was enjoyed by all. Not only would we like to thank Mrs Hancock for this event, but

Prefect Induction Service

Twelves voluntarily came to school to welcome our new Grammar girls. From then on, the seniors have banded together Lo provide really strong leadership for the school and to make the most of our final year at Grammar. On 19 Februa1y, the Prefect Induction Se1vice was held at BGS and since then, events have come pretty thick and fast. In the space of this relatively short report ,we'll t1y to summarise what the Grammar girls have been up to this year. Terrace's afternoon BBQ for the seniors was a great chance to meet and greet our neighbours (but not great for finding a formal partner, seeing as our Formals were on the same night!!). The colourful Interhouse Drama Competition, the Inaugural Lilley Oration on 15 March, and the amazingly successful QGSSSA Swimming vict01y certainly started us off in the right direction. What an effort! After we won the Swimming, we proved we hadn't 'run' out of puff (ha ha) when we ran (oops!) away with the QGSSSA Cross Count1y trophy. The Cheersquad's loud voices and even louder sequined skirts certainly had something to do with our victo1y. .. even if it was only by scaring the opposition away!

Sen ior Formal

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