1997 School Magazine
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Finally, I'd like to thank my fellow house group member~, but particularly Rosanne Barrett, Kate Thelander and Debbie Lauritz. Together we have worked to achieve some really good results and we have all formed fond memories and experiences of our final year in the house. This year has been_superb and it has been my privilege to lead such a unique and ~1:erse group of girls . Thanks to eveiyone and I hope next year 1s JUSt as good (or if the Year Elevens want a real challenge) better for eve1yone involved in Woolcock House.
Throughout the year nothing would have been quite the same without the caring and supportive staff involved in the house . Special thanks go to all the house group teachers, Miss Dufty, Mrs Just, Mr Lam, Miss Murphy and Mrs Cooke. These staff have extended their support to such an extent that they participated in swimming and cross count1y with the girls. These people remain responsible for taking care of all those small problems that girls encounter during the year and many of us would be lost indeed without them. The mastermind, however, behind the happy and successful house is Mrs Bailey. l'vlrs Bailey has managed to coordinate and work with all year levels closely this year and her efforts for the house are endless. On behalf of the house, thank you for making Woolcock the fantastic house it is.
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