1997 School Magazine
@iris @rammar ~c~ool ~risb1111e 1997 ---------11[----------------------- ~ WOOLCOCK
W oolcock House has once again lived up to its won- derful andworthy reputation in 1997. With such a capable, talented and intelligent (if I do say so myself) group of Year Twelves to lead the house, nothing but fun, excitement and success were in store for all those in the house this year. The
Next was to be the show-down of the year, interhouse cross coun- t1y. The pressure was on, and ru- mour had it that all the other houses were entering as many as a hundred people each so they could win points for what they lacked in skill. \Ve il never fear, Woolcock managed to
House Captain
Stephanie Smith
House Vice-Captain
Rosanne Barrett
House Sports Captain
Kate Thelander
House Sports Vice-Captain Debbie Lauritz
have the most participants, seventy- three, and we were privileged to have some excellent overa ll and individual results .Woolcock placed second (by one point !) after Griffith and we were privileged to have the School Champion in the open division, Rachelle Wu. There were othe 1 girls, Helen Clark, Laura Camero n, Kate Thelander and Samantha Bonning, who performed excep-
year began with many fresh ideas from the Woolcock seniors which I am proud to say have been followed through with efficiency and success. Such new ideas consisted of the Year Twelve and Eight buddy system, the formation and use of sister- groups, the combined fundraising involving all of the house on School Day, better l)tilisation of house seniors and better cohesion throughout the house . To commence the
tionally and should be commended for the ir ef- forts. Debating followed on the interhouse age nda and Woolcock should thank Elizabeth Ah ern and her team for th ei1 success in advancing to the third round. Thi s was a great effort, cons ider- ing our previous hi story in this area . Gymnastics then conclud ed th e House activities at the end of the first semester. Once again Woo lco k entered two strong teams in the Artistic and Rh yth-
house festivities for 1997, the annual Woolcock Party was held on 16th Februa1y. Daring to be different, elegant, sexy, stylish, alternative or just bizarre, girls from all year levels attended the event attired in nothing less than their most appropri- ate yellow garments . In typical Girls "Glamour" style, a parade of the unique costumes/ ensem- bles/ outfits provided a yellow spectacle the de-
mic divisions under the leadership of Rachelle Wu ancl Katrina Vicke1y. Woolcock came first overall in the Artistic section and third in the Rhythmic. Chloe Watts (Year Eight) became th e school 's artistic gymnastics champion and Katrina Vi ck I')' in Year Twelve came second overall in the rhythmic. Interhous" gymnastics was a huge success. Second semester began with the interhouse chora l compe- tition. Katy Khafagi in Year Twelve conducted and !eel our girl s in chorus to the lovely musical highlight, "Don't Cry Fo r Me Argentina" from Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita. \Voolcock put in an excellent performance and as all girls who panicipated will agree, the choral competition was a great deal of fu n. Following the interhouse choir was the interhouse Athl ti cs competition. Despite many illnesses and injuries on the clay Woolcock girls jumped, threw and ran to an unbelieva bl ' extent. Such tremendous efforts by the girls were refl ected in our overall third place and our vict01y in the relays cup . Special recognition must go to Sally Lorisch and Rachelle \Xl u who achieved exceptional personal results.
signers ofMilan would die for .With the chic new yellow designs for 1997 out of the way it was time to party. Girls participated in several new but entertaining games before it was time for the Miss Woolcock pageant. After amazing efforts to stun and impress the judges, it was decided that Miss Woolcock of 1997 was to be a new Year Eight, Phillipa Bennett. The party concluded with some pizza , cordial and cake, (at the cost of having Mrs Bailey's car stolen while she picked the cake up), but what a small price to pay for such a fantastic party. The interhouse activities for 1997 proved to be nothing but a good time for most involved and Woolcock had the honour of achieving some ve1y commendable results. The year began with the interhouse swimming where our girls seemed not quite the ultimate force in the pool , but definitely the force out of it! Girls who participated did a fantastic job and we know the rest of you had a great day cheering. The next main interhouse activity for the year was the interhouse drama. The talented Rebecca Lewis wrote and directed a piece of drama that was of a ve1y high standard. The professionalism of the play was exceptional and Woolcock was extremely successful.
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