1997 School Magazine
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After a well-deserved holiday, Beanland returned deter- mined to achieve success in third Term. On the morning of 6th August, Beanland participated in the Interhouse Choral Compe- tition. Choir has not always been one of our strongest attributes, yet the hard work of Claire Mccurdy and Kymille Tozer enabled Beanland to capture the audience's attentionwith Van Morrison's "Moondance". The final event for 1997 was the Interhouse Athletics Competition which was held at Churchie. The hot pink athletic freaks ran, jumped and threw exceptionally well, with a special mention to Hannah Bishop for her third in the Under 16 individual placings .
This year we say farewell and thank you to Mrs Brady who will be missed by all members of the House. We wish her well in her new life in Western Australia . A special thank you to Louise McCormack and Cara Tyler, the Sports Captains of Beanland, for helping to organise eve1y sporting activity for the House .Without their support, the year would not have gone so smoothly. The support of Jade Giles, the Vice-Captain of Beanland, has been unfailing and most appreciated. Last, but by no means least, it should be recognised how much effort is put into the organisation of Beanland by Mrs Chakravorty. Her cheerful smile and helpful ways have made being House Captain of Beanland an honour. JANE VINCENT (BEANLAND HOUSE CAPTAIN)
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