1997 School Magazine
®iris ®rammar ~cbool 1li!risbane 1997 ---------
T he year has once again drawn to a close, and the end of 1997 farewells the last group of "original Beanlanders". Four years ago, the new Grade Nines (now the Seniors of '97) elected to become part of a new House to be named "Beanland". Twenty-five excited girls came together at the beginning of
colourful dance-drama based on the reality ofdreams. Although Beanland did not achieve a final placing, the audience thoroughly enjoyed the colourful performance, particularly the dancing troupe which consisted ofJaharn Giles, Courtney O'Connell, Michelle Fraser and Kymille Tozer.
House Captain
Jane Vincent
House Vice-Captain
Jade Giles
House Sports Captain
Louise McCormack
House Sports Vice-Captain Cara Tyler
One of the most exhilarating moments of Term One was the presentation of a cheque for $1 ,139.20 to the Royal Children's Hospital. The donation by Beanland House was used in the acquisition of an oximeter, used for dangerously ill infants . All of the money obtained from fundraising by each year level is specifically set aside for our charity, the Royal Children's Hospital, our charity since the inception of the new Bouse four years ago. Term Two has al-
1994 to share their place in what was to become the House to watch. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. This is the end of the exciting and fun-filled four years each '97 Beanland Senior will remember forever. Throughout the year, all Beanland girls participated to their full potential in eve1y Interhouse activity. The spirit, unity and enthusiasm of eve1y Be'anlander upheld and strengthened the
ethos of Beanland House and helped develop stronger ties within each year level. The ambience created by the Beanland girls is in- credible, with the re- markable aura of their hot pink outfits. Their sense of unity sym- bolises the high level of 'togetherness' in Beanland House, thus making it a pleasure to belong to . The Grade Eights were welcomed with open arms by the Beanland Seniors, who gave up the last
ways been one of the most exciting and fun- filled terms of the year. This is due to the many Interhouse activities and competitions held. For the second year, the Interhouse Cross- country Competition was held and given fantastic support by the Beanland girls, all of whom ran to their full- est potential. This helped Beanland to gain fourth place in the overall competition. A special mention must go to Kate Byth- Lowden who chose to
day of the Christmas holidays to ensure an enjoyable first day for the newcomers. Each girl in Year Eight was infected with "Pink Fever" from the very start. Term One proved to be an exciting and a ve1y successful one for Beanland House. The first event was the annual House Party. Held on 20th February, the girls enjoyed an afternoon filled with games, lolly hunts, "Pink Faces" and lots of pizza. In the fifth week of Term One, the lnterhouse Swimming was held at the recently refurbished Centenary Pools . A wonderful display of enthusiasm combined with great sportsmanship led Beanland to achieve second placing. Special mention should be made of Belinda Cox and Stephanie Hall for their awesome achievements. The next event taking place in first term was the lnterhouse Drama Competition.Commendable leadership byAnna Lehmann and Michelle Fraser, the two Drama Captains, ensured the success of "The Same Old Circus in the Same Old Park", a
tackle the 1.5 km track in a different way. She and Thea Woodhead walked, ran and skipped a three-legged race. This was a great achievement for both and they did not come last! Hannah Bishop and Leith Bain placed first and second respec- tively in the Under 16 division . The next event on Beanland's busy agenda was the Interhouse Debating. Led by Olivia Loughnan, the five debaters created great competition for their opposition. Unfortunately, they were not able to make the finals . The final event for Term Two was the annual lnterhouse Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition which has always been a relatively relaxed competition. Under the excel- lent leadership ofJasmine Silver and Merissa Brett, the hot pink "gym goers" performed to the best of their ability, while also leaving a smile on the judges' faces . Beanland placed well in both competitions. Congratulations to Jasmine Silver for the wonderful result in the overall championship.
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