1997 School Magazine

@irls@ra111111ar ~cbooI il/ilrisbane 1997 ---------

Duke of Edinburgh's A-ward Schetne T he Duke's Award is an international

From gaining an award, students have the opportunities to meet others with similar in- terests, try new activi- ties and gain new skills . Perhaps more impor- tantly, they set goals and achieve them, learn to manage time and make their own decisions. Self- reliance is often an out- come. Award certificates can be included on Stu- dent Profiles and in Resumes, and employ- ers are often impressed by the time and effort put into getting an Award.

Youth Achievement pro- gram that recognises young people's partici- pation, commitment and improvement in the ar- eas ofService to the com- munity, Skills, Expedition and Physical Recreation. The Service section in- volves giving voluntary time so encouraging a heightened awareness of responsibility to others. The Skills section is de- signed to encourage the discovery and develop- ment of personal inter- ests, and social and prac- tical skills. Participation

Sarah Betts (second from right) - Gold Awardee.

Again this year we have had a large number of girls participating in the Scheme . It is a credit to those who achieve an Award since it involves a considerable commitment in time and effort. This year we congratulate an old girl, Sarah Betts, who was presented with her Gold Award by Her Excellency, Mrs Leneen Forde, in May. Awards at Bronze and Silver level are listed below.

in physical activity leading to improved performance is the aim of the Physical Recreation part, and an encouragement of a spirit of adventure and discovery is essential for the Expedition/ Exploration section.

BRONZE Melissa Cowlishaw lOR Katherine Coyne llE Katy Gibson llE Alexandra Gillies 10B Amanda Hall 100 Melissa Hamilton l0W Caitlin Marley llR Penelope Shaw 100 Lucy Tsicalas lOG Kim Turner llB Elizabeth Webb llE Lacey White lOW llH Penelope Mackenzie 1lR Josephine Macleod 11W Elizabeth Webb llE SILVER Rebecca Farley

GOLD AWARDEE Jane-Elizabeth Harris


Silver Awardees (L-R): Elizabeth \Vebb, Penelope Mackenzie, Rebecca Farley and (front) Josephine Macleod.


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